Hidetaka Nishiyama passes on.

Datu Tim Hartman

Senior Master
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of one of the world's greatest Karate masters, Hidetaka Nishiyama. Sensei Nishiyama was 80 -and passed after a long battle with cancer. Mr. Nishiyama dedicated his life to the Budo principles on which his beloved Martial Art of Traditional Karate is based. As a Charter Member of the Japan Karate Association and founding President of the Japan Karate Association International of America and the International Traditional Karate Federation, his influence on the modern day practice of Traditional Karate is unparalleled.


Nishiyama Sensei's memorial has been scheduled for November 30, 2008, at Hompa Hongwanji Temple in L.A.'s Little Tokyo. I've heard rumors that a 2nd event is being planned as not everyone who wants to pay their respects could fit in the Temple, but this is unconfirmed.

The press release for his passing and the memorial service announcement can be viewed at the ITKF website.
