Hi new to this forum


White Belt
My name is Mike and I am a Purple Stripe in wtf Tae Kwon Do and returning after 13 years of being out of it.

a Question for those who have been in longer than I. I am 43 years old 6ft tall and 225 lbs and seem to be having kind of tennis elbow and after a long work out my ankles get sore. A 6ft 2nd degree has some of same symptoms. Is this normal or is there something I can do to aliviate this?

Again glad to be here

My name is Mike and I am a Purple Stripe in wtf Tae Kwon Do and returning after 13 years of being out of it.

a Question for those who have been in longer than I. I am 43 years old 6ft tall and 225 lbs and seem to be having kind of tennis elbow and after a long work out my ankles get sore. A 6ft 2nd degree has some of same symptoms. Is this normal or is there something I can do to aliviate this?

Again glad to be here


Have you been just out of TKD, or have you gotten out of shape in general over those 13 years? I'm 6ft and a little heavier than you, and I've had some pains as I have been working my way into shape after 8 years out. They slowly go away with exercise, good stretching and weight loss.
Been out of tkd for those years just started over again end of last year. This mostly happens in the am when I wake up at class once I get going I am find. I can jump kick and everything. Maybe I just need more time
I am 6'2" and about 200 pounds right now. I was down to 185 a while back but have since gone back up a bit. When I got down to 185 my joints felt much better. All I can say is try to lose some of the weight. I am also a bit older than you are so yes, age has something to do with it also.

Also try to make the muscles a bit stronger around the joints as well. Do your squats and lunges for the knees. But do not go past 45-50 degrees. The young ones go all the way down for their squats but the older ones can get the same work in with a 45 or 50 degree bend.

For the ankles I find that toe raises work pretty good. They will hit your calves also. Do push ups and curls for you elbow joints as they will also help the wrists as well. I sit and watch TV with a 20lb dumbbell and curl as many times as I can during the commercials of an hour show.

TKD can destroy joints so you have to do what you can to keep the muscles around them strong.

Just my .02

Oh yeah and Welcome to Martial Talk.
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Welcome Mike.

There was a time in my 30s when I got over 200; am now at 185. The weight does matter for joint wear.

At 47 I think it also matters how much your feet/ankles are used to the stresses of going barefoot vs. being in shoes. I have low arches and use orthotics, and had to come back from a broken bone in my foot last winter. I've had best success using lots of stretching and range-of-motion movement along with doing lunges in all directions. I practice non-contact sparring daily with my son--that's the biggest stress. Building progressively while being smart enough to slow down when it hurts has let me improve. There's good pain and bad pain. The older we get, the more important it is to figure out which is which.

Some masters have more experience with this than others. I found that a good physical therapist is worth his weight in gold in fine-tuning my stretching and movement.

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