Hi I'm new here (also got a question)

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Hi, I'm new to the forums here. Aside from a few *** beatings on the playground as a child, I have NO experience or training, and am just kind of interested in martial arts. I've got a few questions though.

1. What is a good style to learn for someone who's rather large and not in particularly in prime physical condition. I do lift weights and mostly consist of muscle, but I'm not really very athletic and aerobic activity is NOT my strong point. (I'm 6 ft 3 inches and 290 pounds.)

2. How important is physical condition as opposed to proper technique.

3. And thirdly, since I'm posting in the "knife" forums...which do you prefer? Switchblade or balisong? This one's just a curious question. I'm not legally old enough to carry a gun, so I do at least carry a knife around on me. I've got one of each, both cheapos, and I like the weight and feel of the swithchblade, but the balisong's definately less likely to cut of my fingers when I reach into my pocket for the car keys.

Just some questions and my introduction here. I hope to get better acquainted with you folks so feel free to drop me an email.

Welcome to MartialTalk! Look forward to your posting.

Interesting question re: switchblade v. balisong. The balisongs I have seen, both real cheap and real expensive, are a little stronger than the switchblades I have played with. My real preference is for a locking folder. Kershaw makes a nice "assisted" opening folder that is pretty reasonable.

Everyone has opinions re: what art to study. Best advice, go check out the schools in your area, do it more than once, at different times. Look at instructors actually teaching and most schools let you visit afterwards, with the students or the instructor. Find a nice "fit" where you are comfortable and can learn something. You can always branch out later.

-MT Moderator-
Automatic vs. Balisong? Here's my $0.02. First of all, what type of Switchblade and what type of Bali? You said they were both cheapies. That being the case I'd probably go with the balisong because of the strength issue. I own a couple of cheap switchblades and I wouldn't even dream of actually carrying them, they're just too flimsy. If I had one made by Al Mar, M.O.D. or Benchmade it might be a different story. Personally, I prefer the Bali's not only because I feel that they are the strongest "folder" available but also because you can use them as an impact weapon in the closed position. They are also a hell of a lot of fun to play with;).

BTW, welcome to the board:)

Being a bigger guy, I can attest to the fact it doesn't matter what style you choose, since you'll get in the shape you need from the training. No one is going to have you doing horse stance for 5 hours or anything the first day. It really is a progression. So, check out something you like and go with it. If you find out it's not for you, try something else. Since by your later question you have an affinity for knives, you might want to check into the FMA forums here (just a suggestion).

As far as Balisong vs. Switchblade, Balisong without a second thought. Balisongs are MUCH more useful, and almost more dangerous closed than open. Switchblades are convenient, but just not practical. One thing to consider, however, is the laws in your state. I know in Ohio, both are illegal to carry, as even when they're exposed (on your belt or such), they're still considered concealed since the blade is in the handle. I know I know, the balisongs with the skeletonized handles "skirt" that edge, but that's gets LEO's a little closer than I care to have them.

Anyways, welcome to the boards.
Good points. In Texas also both are illegal. The switchblade for obvious reasons, but the balisong fits within a statute regarding "gravity knives". I agree, if I had to choose one, definitly my balisong (Manilla Folder with rosewood handles, brass fittings, and the top of the blade sharpened halfway back, makining it even more illegal in Texas, because now it is a "dagger" also ... which is a prohibited weapon in the penal code, DARN, I just can't win).

The FMA forum is a great resource and helped me find my Spyderco Bram Frankin Kinetic Opener - a beautiful lock blade, but hard to carry ... or explain to a cop, even if it is not illegal.


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