squirepens said:
My opinion here is that with a small blade you can deal out a shitload of damage, but at the same time if you wanted to kill somebody you'd almost be FORCED to deliver the "coup de grace" as you put it. With the "largest, most powerful weapon" I can carry, it actually takes more effort NOT to kill the guy than it does to just kill him. And for people like myself who have a pretty strong aversion to killing, that's an important factor. If I can just hack him up without having to worry about killing him, I'm more likely to concentrate on the situation at hand, and less likely to "pull my punches" (or cuts) so to speak. I'm carrying a knife because I want a force multiplier, not because I want lethal force. If I wanted lethal force I'd carry a gun.
Squirepens bearer of the small knife
I'd rather not get caught up in the legal proceedings occuring above me here, but I'd just like to throw my 2cents in the hat.
You can deal out a sh*tload of damage with a big knife too, without worrying about killing, as long as you know where to hit. As the ladies always tell me, "it's not the size of your weapon, it's how you use it."
Hypothetical example: You are in a confrontation with your small knife, and you "deal out a sh*tload" of damage, carving up his arms, legs, and torso, but not actually puncturing anything. The Bracial and Femoral arteries are less than a 1/4" under the skin in their respective areas. One (or both) get cut and the guy goes into shock from blood loss and dies. What is the jury going to think then, when the guy is covered in slices and dices? That you were trying to defend yourself, or trying to show off?
That's a very real possibility. Heck, you don't even need a knife really (punch hard enough in the kidney region to induce shock comes to mind, if there are any boxers here to back me up).
Another thing to think of is grip size. Small knives have small grips. Now, being a large guy, that teeny knife wouldn't feel comfortable, and would probably lead to sliping out of my hand, or poor blade control. Just another thing to think about. My personal favorite to this day is still the version 1 Spyderco Endura with the fully serrated blade. Very comfortable in the hand, decent blade (4", AUS-6 steel), one-handed opening, belt clip on the right side... and I payed $40 bucks for it almost 10 years ago (yes, I still have it and carry it when i'm going to an unfamilliar location).
If you're really worried about killing someone, a knife isn't the choice of weapons. Find a nice ASP, a Kubaton (sp?), or some other blunt instrument. Or perhaps a rock wherever you are... a stick?