Hi from North Carolina


Black Belt
Hello everyone,

i have been lurking for a couple of weeks and finally decided to join. About nine months ago I wanted to get my five year old son to get out of his " stick-in-the-mudness" and had him try out TKD. He liked it, talked about it at home and his 7 yr old sis decided she wanted to try it. I got tired of sitting there just watching them and joined them after a week. Been having a ball ever since. We have progressed together to 6th kub so far. I hope they stick with it because I sure am going to. I used to practice Judo for 3 or 4 years in my early teens and am excited to get back into MA. Now if only those 44 yr old man hips would cooperate..........
Welcome to MT. Take it slow in your return to MA. You realize that you have gotten older, so remember that you need to train smarter.
I don't know what a stick in the mud is but please no mud on the carpet please... I just vacuumed :D that might happen maybe once or twice a year... Sometimes less
Joking aside though, welcome to martialtalk nice to meet you hopefully you and your children will enjoy TKD for years to come
Best of luck
May your time in the arts be a happy adventure and may your children stay in the arts a long time.

Welcome to the forum