Hi everyone

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Hello, my name is David Flanagan. I'm a 15 year old from New Brunswick Canada and I have always been amazed by martial arts. So about 2 or 3 weeks back I decided to go do a little research. My friend and I first watched a Taekwando class and didn't really enjoy what we seen at all (no offence to those in tkd, if you like what you do keep doing it), but after the class the instructer came over to talk to us if we were interested in joining this and we both said no. He said he had a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu class next and if we would like to stick around and watch we were more then welcomed to. Needless to say we both loved what we seen. The instructed invited us back for the next class to try it out. We have been in about 4 or 5 classes so far and love it! The instructer also said he might start teaching Muay Thai kickboxing in January, so I'm really excited for that. Anyway, I'd just like to say hello to everyone, and I can see this is a great fourm!
Welcome David! That is excellent that you have found an MA that you enjoy. BJJ is definitely a lot of fun! Congratulations and Happy Posting! :wavey:
First: welcome to the boards and to MA! :)

Now for the bad stuff: Does your teacher simply manifest skills for teaching Muay Thai. . .or does he actually have training in it? It would be a good thing to ask as Muay Thai (and now BJJ, it appears) are being McDojoed out at astonishing rates. If he's a TKD, with no formal training in Muay Thai, I wouldn't be paying him for teaching me Muay Thai. Take the BJJ class--and maybe inquire as to what his history with BJJ is--and see if he'll run drills with you after class; but I wouldn't pay a cent to someone who, all-of-a-suden, felt like teaching Muay Thai. That would be like me, having never done BJJ, taking a weekend seminar and deciding to teach it to the guys I train with in exchange for money.

Sorry to introduce you to the skepticism so early on, but you will find, as you get older, that there are plenty of people in the MA world that represent themselves as being something they are not. And just to give you a demonstration of one such person, see below. On the final note, welcome, again, and I hope your instructor is reputable, because you will certainly enjoy BJJ and Muay Thai.

Welcome to MT, David. As you get older and more mature, you'll come to realize Taekwondo is IT, baby!

Just kidding. What ever art you choose is fine. Just give it your best. Train hard, learn much! Any help we can offer, we're glad to do it.
Hello David and Happy Posting, TKD is the way of life no all kidding aside training is training.
Master Stoker
Welcome to MT, David. As you get older and more mature, you'll come to realize Kung Fu is IT, baby! ;)

j/k. Glad you found something you like. It's a good idea to consider AdrenalineJunky's advice on instructor qualifications for the art/arts you're interested in.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. MT abounds with the knowledgeable who are happy to help out a fellow martial artist whenever possible.

Happy Posting! :asian:
It's great to see how well everyone treats each other here! Thanks for the advice too, and who knows maybe when I'm older I will expirement with other MA's? Also AdrenalineJunky thanks a lot for the tips and I think the best way to say hello is to try to help someone while your at it. As far as I know he does have a background with Muay Thai. How much of a background I am not quite sure, but as far as I know he has been wanting to teach Thai boxing for some time now. From my understanding no one ever had enough interest in it, so yeah I'll definitly have a chat with him about it. Thanks again all! By the way Lisa, John Lennon is amazing, and Navarre, Neo isn't so bad either!
Welcome to Martial Talk! Enjoy your stay and ask any questions you may have!

Hello and welcome to MT. I hope that we here at MT can offer you all the answers to your questions the best we can, and have a good time with the martial arts, as I hope it will enrich your life like it has ours.
Thanks again! Yes I'm quite interested to see how bjj and mt mix together!
First of all, welcome! You're young enough to be able to see how they work out without passing out first. I wish you luck in your journey, and happy posting!

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