Hey! This ain't Modern Arnis!!!

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,

"It was 20 years ago, today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play..." I suppose. I dug this up out of the archives and decided to put it up.

I competed in the West Coast Can-Am Martial Arts Championships in the novice baguazhang division... in 1989!!! You might not recognize me because of the hair but I assure you that it is me. Enjoy!

Dan Anderson
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Hi All,

"It was 20 years ago, today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play..." I suppose. I dug this up out of the archives and decided to put it up.

I competed in the West Coast Can-Am Martial Arts Championships in the novice baguazhang division... in 1989!!! You might not recognize me because of the hair but I assure you that it is me. Enjoy!

Dan Anderson

I'm glad you clarified. I thought at first we were watching a theatrical production of a vignette, in which a thoughtful man in a cloud of gnats has dropped his wallet, and keeps checking the ground behind him and walking in circles looking for it.

Looking good on the circle walking, sir.

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Thank you, you are right this man in the video looks nothing like you, no offense. Again, Thank you for sharing this video.