Hey guys....... Let's start a new member drive (good members only)

Originally posted by Kirk

How will you handle the people like I mentioned? Seriously, it's
like a plague on kenponet.

I believe you. I will assume that all are people of good will and I will hope that the atmosphere is what brings out the worst in people; hopefully we can keep that aspect better better here. If not, well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it--let's be hopeful. Smaller fora do have advantages but so does cross-talk. It is possible to set up more and even private fora if need be, and this software does have an Ignore feature. If and when a heavy-handed approach becomes necessary to preserve the forum, that can and will be done--but let's think positively. What can be learned from the problems there that can be used constructively here?

As Kaith mentioned, 2 new forum mods. are likely to be added soon to help monitor the Kenpo forum (and that forum only, most likely). Honestly, it might be best to ask a judoka and an escrimador to volunteer to read posts here due to the kenpo community's political issues--for example, Renegade had to scale back his participation in the Modern Arnis forum to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest and that was a loss to that forum, and I'd hate to see that happen to any of the contributors here.

Ideas can also be posted or e-mailed/PMed!

-MT Mod-
Basically, when theres a problem, and we either catch it or are made aware of it, we try to deal with it in a case by case basis, and weigh out the issue.

When we introduce the new Kenpo mods, they won't have full admin access, but will help to police things and help ensure the forum continues to run smoothly. Our goal is to tackle the quantity of posts in a reliable manner, not to censor anyones right to express themself within our forum guidelines.

There will be an announcement shortly on a bunch of things we have in the works. Good things. :)

Originally posted by Kirk

How will you handle the people like I mentioned? Seriously, it's
like a plague on kenponet.

No, it's not, not in my experience. Every so often fans and critics of Ron Chapel will flare up, but it goes both ways.

Essentially, once you open a forum up to the masses (and getting worse the bigger a forum gets) you increasingly have to choose how to censor. Either there can be safe conversation (inoffensive, no controversy) or you can have free conversation (requiring tough skin). Pick one or the other, 'cause you won't get both for long. Martial artists aren't very good at being civil, sad to say.

The only forum I've ever been on that was civil without a moderator censoring posts was a forum for psychology graduate students. The dozens of other forums -- from religion to MA to role-play games -- that I've been on have either been heavily censored (usually into nothingness -- talk is nice but people don't keep coming back without something to get their emotions engaged) or has been a racous ride.

I've actually been pleasantly surprised at how friendly Kenponet is considering how lightly the moderator censors stuff (currently quite friendly and content-heavy, btw). It sounds like the MartialTalk folks are going on the side of safety/censorship, which will hopefully keep things from getting rough, but at a price.

And I can think of a half dozen MA forums I've visited and watched die from bickering. If you think Kenponet is bad, you certainly haven't been around much!

Originally posted by Scott Bonner

It sounds like the MartialTalk folks are going on the side of safety/censorship, which will hopefully keep things from getting rough, but at a price.

You lay out the issue clearly--the issue that has plagued USENET for years; moderation makes safer but more boring conversations, and always reduces posts. People don't like to post to a moderated forum as a rule, so just the existence of the moderator reduces the quantity of posts even if he or she never rejects a single post. On the other hand, unmoderated martial arts discussions--like on rec.martial-arts--can be, well, a cesspool. We have many members who have abandobed rec.martial-arts.

While your quoted statement above is I imagine technically accurate, the "spin" we prefer is that this is to be a friendly place for martial arts discussions. We're trying to ensure that friendliness. We rarely need to censor per se--we can usually nudge the conversation back to a good place. Friendly, respectful discourse is what we are hoping to have here.

-MT Mod-
We don't activley censor or remove posts. I think to date, we've removed 3 threads, and about 6 posts (most at the original posters request). We rely on our members to show some restraint when posting. Not posting a huge profanity filled rant, or major personal attacks. I'm not saying everything has to be politically correct. The Parker/Tracy issue has cropped up here, and in the Modern Arnis forum the fall out from GM Presas' death is still hitting (though much has been worked out and its alot better now). What we don't want are the trouble makers, the ones with the political chip on their shoulders, etc. The "Trolls". Sometimes, we can guide a troll into being a good member, others fade away. On very rare occations we are forced to ban them.

MartialTalk allows some anonimity to its posters. We don't insist you post a name, give us your address, take down a credit card, etc. We ask that you treat each other in a civil manner, follow our basic rules of conduct, and have fun. We allow a little drift, but will step in here and there if threads wander too much and split em. Usually, they've swung back on their own or someone else starts the branch off.

We are also flexible and receptive to our members desires. While we can't drop the hot supermodel or actor off at your house, we can look into improvements here to allow you 1 of the more comfortable forum experiences.

If you have a problem with someones posts, the forum, etc, let us know. We're here to help, and share things in the arts.

I love this site. I have dropped out of 3 or so forums previously. Usually because some idiot (meaning someone who can't make a logical argument) screams profanity and makes circular arguments. How many times can you listen to an insane person scream at you?

I think this site is great. I've read some posts that I thought were stupid, but I have only replied in a civilized manner or not at all because this is the tone here. I am glad that I don't have to roll my eyes at some profanity-laced rant every time I log on.

Rants are even OK sometimes when they are not profane.

The mods seem to be doing a great job of exercising good discretion. My interest in this forum actually picked up after I saw where someone was booted. I'm glad they have a good sense of decency and that they enforce it.

I don't have lots of experience on boards as I mentioned, but this site is so cool that I have difficulty comparing it to other forums I've been in. It is also nice that I see people here that I have met on other forums and remember as some of the good guys.

I did invite 1/2 dozen people last week as a total coincidence but I am not suited to cross-posting, so that is about all I can do.

I'm happy with the site the way it is. As it is, I seldom read the threads for the other styles. This site is incomprehensibly large to me right now, but that is OK. I don't visit every store in the Mall, but sometimes I go just because they have so many stores to browse.

Before I continue to bable, I'll add that I am new here, I like it here, more of this is good and although I haven't been here very long I'm now a sponsor. This might be some evidence of how new blood can benefit the site.

Keep up the excellent work, moderators. I am very encouraged by what I see here and I hope I can help maintain it/make it better.

Thank you all for embodying the Golden Rule, I think there is a consensus here that we all appreciate this.
Originally posted by cdhall

I love this site. I have dropped out of 3 or so forums previously. Usually because some idiot (meaning someone who can't make a logical argument) screams profanity and makes circular arguments. How many times can you listen to an insane person scream at you?

When you close your eyes, ears and mind; you open your mouth wider to compensate.

--Zen of Z-Rex
Originally posted by cdhall

I love this site. I have dropped out of 3 or so forums previously. Usually because some idiot (meaning someone who can't make a logical argument) screams profanity and makes circular arguments. How many times can you listen to an insane person scream at you?

:cuss: that's what this is for- then we have this :moon: or this :iws: or this:rolleyes: and this little humdinger:sadsong:

sorry- I'll get my coat :rofl:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Besides........ You have Ricardo :2pistols: and myself:erg: to MC the whole thing so that it doesn't get out of hand! He controls all the Tracy guys:boing1: and I the AK guys........ :boing2:

(and if you believe that :idunno: I have large patches of swamp land for sale.......):rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I was unaware that there were swamps to be found in Arizona, might I interest you in a lovely series of bridges to span them?
Actually, those are good points. The smilies are here to give options to help in expressing intent. Alot are for fun, but some help the 'feeling', IMHO.

Swamp land....I got a former web host out there thats in that swamp...or should be. :)

Mr.C and I are tied at 5 each at the moment. I dunno what he had before this started I think he had three as he posted it somewhere. I had three as well.

You guys keeping score on this? Just curious really. A little competition could make this fun :)

Referal tally for June 2002 1-11
Username Referral Count
Sandor 2
KumaSan 1
Renegade 1
Bonehead 1

I know this has nothing to do with this topic; Seig, what's the
latest on your seminar? Sorry I haven't be up there yet. Things
have been busy down here.

Bill Smith

**This is also helpful to keep this post at the top. Just helping out.
Originally posted by Bill Smith

I know this has nothing to do with this topic; Seig, what's the
latest on your seminar? Sorry I haven't be up there yet. Things
have been busy down here.

Bill Smith

**This is also helpful to keep this post at the top. Just helping out.
Still working on it!
As a moderator on another, totally unrelated, forum, it is interesting to watch what happens on this forum. All forums tend to go through an evolution process. There will be times when you have trolls.

There will be times when regular posters will disagree and raise a ruckus at each other. Heck, Dennis and I do it every once in a while ourselves. It's human. We are both "adult" enough (I use that term loosely! LOL!) to realize that differences are transient and don't really matter that greatly in the greater scheme of things Kenpo and friendship.

I believe that this forum, as the other I moderate on, will maintain it's evenhanded ways, because the mainstay posters, even more than the moderators and administrators, are the ones who set the demeanor. And, frankly, this place is a pleasure to visit.

With 40 years in the arts, while I am not a "senior" in the strict sense of the word, the way we use it, I have been around enough to see the good and the bad and be able to draw some conclusions.

I conclude: This is a good place.

Take care,

Dan Farmer