Hey all, new user!


Yellow Belt
Hey all, I finaly found a online community of martial artists! Hooray!

My name is Andrew, im 17 years old living in Nova Scotia. I have studied martial art for ALMOST 10 years; Shotokan (apprentice black), Wadu (apprentice black), Kindai Bojitsu (yellow), wing chung, taekwondo, hukido and Ninjitsu...

Im excited to finally be able to talk to some people about martial arts, I have much to learn!


by the way, soes 'shoto' mean short sword?
what does 'san' mean?

Hi Shotosan, I'll venture a guess, its a honorific like Charles san. Mr. Charles. Happy posting! TW
Greetings ShotoSan and welcome to MartialTalk. Have a look around, enjoy your stay and happy posting.

Welcome to MartialTalk ShotoSan, I'm new here too, I was also glad to find a forum about Martial Arts. I've had a blast reading all the intesteing threads.
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay here, and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.


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