Look at the facts, there has never been Argentinian ownership or settlers on the Falklands. The first settlers were French and British, the Spanish came along threw them all off and put theirs in. The British didn't fight for the Islands back they negociated them back, a Treaty with Spain saw the Islands beome totally British and the Spanish left. it's been British ever since. Argentina was a colony of Spain, they didn't 'own' their own country let alone the Falklands. They got their independance from Spain, they didn't get the Falklands because it belonged to Britain. The Islands are on their way to toal independance. The only time Argentinians set foot on the Islands was to invade, to kill and torture the civilians there. The Islanders asked for help as they are entitled to and the British kicked the Argentinians off. There is nothing in history or factual to show that the Islands belong to Argentina, nothing at all, they weren't native to it, they didn't discover it, settle it or even just live there at any time.
Britain gets little out of it I'm afraid, it's been over thrirty since someone said there's oil there and we haven't got any. Brtain because of it's colonial past and it's need for reparation for it spends a lot of money on ex colonies, India receives billions of pounds that frankly it doesn't need. We also have an immigration problem because so many ex colonials have the right to enter and live here. Anyone thinking of making snide comments about our colonial past should reflact that in many ways we have been paid back for any wrongs we did and are in fact still paying back, not just in monetary terms but in lives as well.