Now the FBI investigates phone hacking of 9/11 victims by the Murdoch empire.

Looking at the comments on NPR and other media outlets, there sure are a lot of people out with pitchforks. Many have some sort of inside inside information that absolutely know that Murdoch knew what was going on at this one paper in his huge empire, and others that are hoping that both he and his son knew what was going on and that they lose everything. Quite a few NPR fans on Facebook were absolutely brutal regarding Rebekah Brooks' physical appearance.
"Quite a few NPR fans on Facebook were absolutely brutal regarding Rebekah Brooks' physical appearance.!

In what way, Crushing? I have to admit that tho' she is clearly a 'bad girl' I still reckon she looks pretty good. Tho' I do have to confess a terrible weakness for redheads and strong-willed women :o.
"Quite a few NPR fans on Facebook were absolutely brutal regarding Rebekah Brooks' physical appearance.!

In what way, Crushing? I have to admit that tho' she is clearly a 'bad girl' I still reckon she looks pretty good. Tho' I do have to confess a terrible weakness for redheads and strong-willed women :o.

She went for the wild romantic wind swept look....not kempt and made up.

BUT it does not really matter, because she is the bad guy and she will be raked over the coals no matter what.
She went for the wild romantic wind swept look....not kempt and made up.

BUT it does not really matter, because she is the bad guy and she will be raked over the coals no matter what.

Yeah but I look kinda like her. We both have the same hair at least... :eek:
Yeah but I look kinda like her. We both have the same hair at least... :eek:

I kind of like the wild red curls.
Naturally, I have neither. but it's part of the game that we still judge a woman by her appearance, not by her deeds.
You will - with the exception of 'The Donald' - not find any reference to the look, style, hairdo or choice of clothes of a man...but women are ALWAYS put under the microscope for that: Nancy Reagan vs Barbara Bush, Angela Merkle, Marsha Clark....we are shallow that way.
There was not a peep about the suits the Murdochs were wearing, or the hair cut of the police chief....
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Completely off topic and forgive my lack of gentlemanly manners in saying such things out loud, Carol, but that 'Susan Sarandon, Witches of Eastwick' look is full of pre-Raphaelite win!
Completely off topic and forgive my lack of gentlemanly manners in saying such things out loud, Carol, but that 'Susan Sarandon, Witches of Eastwick' look is full of pre-Raphaelite win!

Ah, but it is ever so chivalrous coming from you!
I do think that men get judged on their appearance too, at least more nowadays than previously. Still nowhere the extent that a woman is though, I do concur.

I know that I have taken great pleasure in the double-take I've caused some people to have when they realise that the long-haired, bewhiskered, scruffy herbert in front of them is intelligent, well spoken and polite :lol:.
I do think that men get judged on their appearance too, at least more nowadays than previously. I know that I have taken great pleasure in the double-take I've caused some people to have when they realise that the long-haired, bewhiskered, scruffy herbert in front of them is intelligent, well spoken and polite :lol:.

LOL, yeah, when you show up like that!

But generally speaking, doing what you (men) do normally vs what you (women) do are not judged by appearance.
Though we have reached a point in time were the male appearance has a wider range now, too.
True, aye. I suppose I should say that I was talking about my biker days with the 'scruffy herbert' motif :D.
Yeah but I look kinda like her. We both have the same hair at least... :eek:

Bet you didn't get arrested for belting your husband though! She did, her hubbie is actor Ross Kemp, always plays hard men and does documentaries on gangs, soldiers etc. Quite funny actually, him being clocked by his missus!
Bet you didn't get arrested for belting your husband though! She did, her hubbie is actor Ross Kemp, always plays hard men and does documentaries on gangs, soldiers etc. Quite funny actually, him being clocked by his missus!


She must pack quiet a punch....
Bet you didn't get arrested for belting your husband though! She did, her hubbie is actor Ross Kemp, always plays hard men and does documentaries on gangs, soldiers etc. Quite funny actually, him being clocked by his missus!

I didn't know that :lol:. Well, it's either 'lucky' Ross or there's a reason his post acting TV career has taken the turn it has i.e. easier being shot at than having dinner with the missus :D
By the way, I don't know if people have heard but some stauch fellow has 'pied' Murdoch whilst in the House - I don't know whether to laugh or be a touch outraged at the audacity to do such a thing in the seat of government.

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