Here come the lawsuits.....

rmcrobertson said:
Axly, Sparkies, it's an honestly-come-by academic's tone of voice. Let me suggest that for every particle of condescenscion on my part, there are corresponding atoms of insecurity and ressentiment on yours.

While I sure won't claim innocence in this, above all, you're pissed because I don't agree with you, sometimes, and because I call you on it, sometimes, when I think you're wrong.

It's a common tactic: can't respond to the issue, so try to sluff everything off on the fantasized personality defects of the person who brought the issue up.

I repeat for the 15th time: best way to handle real or imagined condescension is to outargue the guy.

Interestingly and back on the Almighty Topic, this is realted to the reasons that some folks can't stand John Kerry. He's a damn know-it-all, pointy-head, Eastern limp-wristed intellectual, too.
I just started reading this thread, so I'm a little late with this...but the word is slough. I think you know how it's relevant, since you explained it earlier in the thread.

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