Here is a brain twister

Twin Fist



On Nov. 5, the presidential election winds up in a electoral-college tie, 269-269, the Democrat-controlled House picks Sen. Barack Obama as president, but the Senate, with former Democrat Joe Lieberman voting with Republicans, deadlocks at 50-50, so Vice President Dick Cheney steps in to break the tie to make Republican Sarah Palin his successor.

"Wow," said longtime presidential historian Stephen Hess. "Wow, that would be amazing, wouldn't it?"

"If this scenario ever happened, it would be like a scene from the movie 'Scream' for Democrats," said Democratic strategist Mary Anne Marsh. "The only thing worse for the Democrats than losing the White House, again, when it had the best chance to win in a generation, but to do so at the hands of Cheney and Lieberman. That would be cruel."

You know, this idea of this happening is so cool I almost wish it would happen.............
Not me....

We already have a recipe for disaster boiling in the cauldron known as the US with ingrediants like a crappy economy, high gas prices, recession, increasing unemployement, etc, etc, etc....

Something like that could escalate things past the boiling point and could result in even more serious riots....big ones....which is something we don't need right now.

It would only perpetuate further division among the people and give the elite an excuse to implement more laws inhibiting freedoms or even go as far as implimenting martial law.

Bad scneario....I don't wish for it at all.

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