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Ok, I have a serious question. I have been talking Kenpo for...3 months...The classes started small...6 people was normal. 2 instructors. Now its like 15 people. I dont get much attention.
A black belt I know Does Kenpo, Kali and some other styles. He is willing to train me 1 on 1. sparring and all. He is very good.
What do you guys think of this rather than the Dojo?
I dont care about belts so thats a non-issue.
With only 15 people and two instructors, you should still get alot of attention. Nonetheless, you could train with both for awhile, this way you can make a better judgement.
Originally posted by Jas0n
Ok, I have a serious question. I have been talking Kenpo for...3 months...The classes started small...6 people was normal. 2 instructors. Now its like 15 people. I dont get much attention.
A black belt I know Does Kenpo, Kali and some other styles. He is willing to train me 1 on 1. sparring and all. He is very good.
What do you guys think of this rather than the Dojo?
I dont care about belts so thats a non-issue.

Is your friend going to charge you for lessons? If it's not much of a problem, I would discuss the problem with the teacher and continue with the Kenpo classes as well as train with your friend on a semi regular basis. You can never get enough traing time. If you're still not satisfied with your school after another three or four months, talk to you're teacher again before dropping the class. The most imporant thing in any endeavor is communication
Originally posted by Jas0n

I dont care about belts so thats a non-issue.

No problem there.

But if you pratice with a friend how about continuity? And if you or him move, and you want to start somthing simulair another place, you'll probably have to "start over".

On the other hand I dont think 15 people and two instructors is bad. The amount of people should give you time to work things out by yourself. And I agreewith the others: you could do both for a while.

I am sorry I didn't give you an accurate portrayal of the situation.
One of the reasons it is so hard to get some attention is a couple of 14 and 15 yr olds. they doing behave well they are previous blue belts in TKD and very arrogant.
They are not well disciplined and seem to just do there own thing no matter what the instructor says. It is very distracting and time consuming to baby sit them.
My teachers know my concerns. They are working on curbing these disrespectful kids. I am married with a pregnant wife and a 1 yr old. I love my family very much and need to spend time with them. at this point I have been training 3 times a week. when I started I got 1 on 1 attention and learned so much faster. If I trained once a week with this black belt I would learn so much more than 3 times a week in class.

I don't really care about starting over since I should know the techniques so it should just be a matter of testing to get the belt if I ever go back to a class format.
Private instruction is good for learning the structure of a system.
But, to learn strategy you need to do one-step drills and sparring...when you have a group of fifteen it gives you 15 different people to work on strategy...that's hard to get one on one.

Originally posted by chufeng
Private instruction is good for learning the structure of a system.
But, to learn strategy you need to do one-step drills and sparring...when you have a group of fifteen it gives you 15 different people to work on strategy...that's hard to get one on one.

We will do sparring and he has others he teaches at different times we will all get to spar together.

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