Help finding used equipment


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Our club is looking to purchasing some used equipment for our up and coming young shooters. Our team shoot competition Air Rifle at 10m, .22 prone and .22 three position.

One of the items we are looking for are competition air rifles, either from the Walther LG300 series or Feinwerkbau P70. Junior or full size, it doesn't really matter.

Also if you know of anyone wanting to get rid of any of their other gear, beit jackets, pants, boots, etc, let me know too cause we always have people looking for stuff.

It is getting more and more expensive to purchase equipment and I thought that perhaps someone out in the great MT Land knows someone who knows someone, etc, etc.

Probably a bit of a shot in the dark, but hey, might be worth a try. Ebay has come up empty apparently. :(

All I am asking is to keep your ears open for me... thanks :)
might try or; both are good, friendly shooting forums with healthy want to trade/sell sections.
Thanks very much the sites are great. Just looking over them quickly, I already found one left handed Walther LG300! Which is pretty rare.

Thanks again and if anyone else has any suggestions please let me know.