hello new here

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Just wanted to make my first post and say hello.Its really nice to have a place to go to be able to talk with people who have the same interest and passion for the martial arts. A little about myself I have been studing hapkido for the last 10 years and have achieved a 2nd dan, I am currently working towards my 3 dan assisant instructor. I hope that I can provide useful information, as I know that I will probably, recieve alot of useful information.
Robo, first - welcome. Hope you enjoy your visits here. Next, what style of Hapkido do you practice?

Sorry I have not responded, my job keeps me busy and away from the computer. I study Sung Moo kwan Hapkido, I use to study Taekwondo but I got tired of being inside the box thats what it made me feel unlike Hapkido in my opinion lets me think outside the box, because of all the circular movements. I hope this answered any Question and once again sorry for the slow response
OK, we'll let it go this time - :uhyeah:

Two questions if I may. 1) What style of TKD did you study? 2) When you made the transition to HKD, what were you able to carry with you from TKD?
Been so long its hard to remember what style it was ( that could be old age too) more of a traditional style but can't remember . The things that I carried over was my kicking ability and the flexabilty,that is about the only thing that I could say I am not trying to say tkd is a bad art but I feel that its movements where limited and if i got into a sticky situation i was doomed with hapkido we have a wide variety of techiques to use from the joint locks to grappling to throws and I feel it is a more rounded martial art. Hope this answered your question