Hello, like to introduce myself


2nd Black Belt
Really don't know what to say, other than hello and thank you for the opportunity here at Martial Talk.

I guess it would be polite to say a bit about myself and my background. I have been practicing old school jujutsu for over 20 years. In the handful of years or so, have I really started to understand the depth and magnitude of jujutsu on a mature level. When I was younger it was all about rudimentary application of jujutsu waza to fighting situations for the purpose of kicking butt. I wasn't paying much attention to the dynamic mechanics involved back then. i was mostly unaware of what made it work and how to make it work better. But, years of practice kind of naturally leads you to different avenues of exploration and appreciation. If you stick with it long enough you begin to look closer at what your doing and explore the whys. That is where I am at now.

I studied under a Japanese sensei, who didn't make the linguist transition from Japanese to English very well. A teacher of few words cause he couldn't explain it too well in English. I studied for many years with him. He taught me an art of jujutsu that he call simply jujutsu. Being young, I really didn't care at the time to know all the particulars of my instructors lineage, or where the techniques came from. Over the years, it never became an important issue to me to find out. And that held true up until his passing away few years back of stomach cancer. In terms of legitimacy, all I needed was the fact he was Japanese, he was he was good at it, and he taught me well. That was enough for me. A few years back, he passed away, and no he didn't leave his family art to me. And no,he didn't leave me his family art, or give me 10 degree before he died..ha..ha. Instead, I prefer to do what my sensei did, quietly practice with few other interested guys exploring the jujutsu mysteries that are hidden to me.

I am a late comer to these discussions groups though I have lurked on a number of them. But at this stage of my jujutsu career, I feel that I can discuss my knowledge with some credibility, experience and intelligence without looking too foolish.