Another Jujutsu Bum


Came across this forum on another site, good discussions and civillaty.

I am a 2nd Dan in Icho Yama Ryu Aiki Jujutsu- Quantico Kai, under David Lamond. We also study Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu- KodoKai.
I started the arts in 83, under my step father , who studied in S.E. Asia, while in the USAF. He showed me things from TKD, Muay Thai and dirty fighting.
I studied TKD for a couple years as a teenager (O.K. who did'nt?=) but was expossed to Jujutsu, which made a strong impression on me.
I did some Choy Lay Fut, Goju and American Kenpo in my early 20s.
I came acrosss the Quantico Dojo about 10 years ago, and I have been with them ever since. I knew they were teaching the kind of Jujutsu I had been loooking for since 15, and a whole lot more.
Since then I have cross trained with Dave Wink's Full contact FMA-IMA group,I studied CQC (McCann's system) under Rod Taylor. I have also trained with Bruce H Chui, of Modern Arnis and Small Circle Jiu Jitsu.
I have also had the priveledge of training with Lt.Col George Bristol, founder of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, a few times. He was a student of Sensei Lamond in the early to mid 90s.
I have entered 2 AAU Sport Jujutsu tournaments, but self and innocent protection is my main concern.
I also study gunfighting.

Thank you for reading and SHUGYO!

Greetings and Welcome to MT..What an interesting bio..Looking forward to your posts..