Hello...got a question


White Belt
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
I am looking into getting into martial arts and I would like to know the TOP 5 forms of martial arts...

Can anyone help me??
Hiya Beth!

Top 5 forms of martial arts, huh?

Well, there really isn't a "best" martial art. It's what's best for you.

What are your goals, likes, and dislikes?


In no particular order and could only think of 4
Hiya Beth!

Top 5 forms of martial arts, huh?

Well, there really isn't a "best" martial art. It's what's best for you.

What are your goals, likes, and dislikes?


Jeff says it best..I just gave you a few names...
1) Run Fu
2) Sprintin-dash
3) Can-taKach-me
4) Fa Stir-din-U
5) Migun Bigerdin urs
Easy, there is only one.

"Rex Kwon Do"

Nothing else compares, except Chuck Norris of course.

ok, serious answer... well not to serious. Which are the top 5 sports involving a ball? All comes down to your goals and preferences.
Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:

There is no list of "top 5" (or any other number) because it's pretty subjective. If there are particular activities you're interested in, or things you don't want to do, please list them - that will help people to give some ideas that will help you find a style you're interested in.
1) Run Fu
2) Sprintin-dash
3) Can-taKach-me
4) Fa Stir-din-U
5) Migun Bigerdin urs

5) has some good theory but its...

6) Aishu-Tibeta

that REALLY has the street cred ;)
welcome. Pick a goal on what you want to learn and go from there.

If I was to give a list though I would say in no real order of importance but the top 5

Tae Kwon Do
and Shotokan Karate
Welcome to MT! :wavey: To echo what others already said, there isn't such a thing as the "Top five" martial arts. Everyone is different; what may work with one person may not work with another. My question is what are *you* interested in learning? What would you like to learn from the arts?

I hope you enjoy your time here, and good luck with your search. :)