Newbie Saying Hello

White Fox

Orange Belt
Hello everyone, My name is scott and I am kind of new to martial arts I was in karate when I was younger, fell out of it. I am now practicing Yang form Tai Chi.

I hope to learn as much as I can one this site do to the wealth of information presented here.

I look forward to getting to know you all!! :asian:
Welcome Scott.
How about telling us a little about you school and what you find interseting about it
Hi Scott. Welcome to Marial Talk. We look forward to getting to know you too. :) If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Happy posting!
Welcome, Scott!! I'm sure you will enjoy being a part of our merry crew. Yes, please tell us a little more about yourself and your goals for The Art. Happy posting!
Welcome from the gang here at Martial talk and Happy Posting.
Welcome Scott! Good luck on your journey! Happy posting! :wavey:

Well I am being taught by my Mothers BF. He has been training for about 25 yrs. I don't know any of the names of the schools he has gone to but he has attended a few and done other forms.

What I really appreciate about the form is the internal aspect of it. Coming up through the legs, directing with the waist and expressing with the hands. My knowledge is very basic right now, I never realized how complex this from is, once you learn the 108 moves that is just the beginning. It is just like learning the alphabet the (108 moves) after that come sentences, paragraphs and poetry! I really never realized how deep Tai Chi is. You can send someone flying by only using your stomach. Through breathing exercises and knowing how to harness and redirect force.

I also like and dislike how everything is slow. The reason is so you can perfect your form and technique, so when you have to react fast your muscle memory and movements are fine tuned for combat that you act without thinking it just happens. so to speak. This of course takes a lot of practice though. I dislike the slowness because sometimes I want to jump around and go crazy!

When also do a little qi-gong at the end of our session. Gathering in energy from The Moon and moving it through your body. For cleansing the bones, skin and organs.

I still have much to learn.
Welcome white fox, known as scott. My brother's name is scott; but, he does not use the nom de plume of white fox; therefor, you are not my brother by blood, but my brother in MA.

White Fox said:
Well I am being taught by my Mothers BF. He has been training for about 25 yrs. I don't know any of the names of the schools he has gone to but he has attended a few and done other forms.

What I really appreciate about the form is the internal aspect of it.

I still have much to learn.

Right on; glad to hear you're enjoying it. You certainly appear to have the right attitude. Kudos!
Newbie here as well, welcome aboard. I've learned a lot through this forum already in the very short time I've been here.

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