Hello from Tampa

Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay with us!:wavey:

Not anywhere near Tampa but I think I may be one of the last dozen or so people that was actually born in Florida.

Xue Sheng said:
Not anywhere near Tampa but I think I may be one of the last dozen or so people that was actually born in Florida.


I was born in Tampa :lol:
Go Natives!!!

Yeah, Tampa is quite a bit north of Ft. Laud, I have some friends down there.

YBOR city is crazy... I almost bought a condo there, but I know that I would never stop partying, which would end to my eventual demise.

I appreciate all of the warm welcomes! :D
Welcome to MT, I used to live in the Tampa/St Pete area back in the seventies.
terryl965 said:
Welcome to MT, I used to live in the Tampa/St Pete area back in the seventies.

It has grown a LOT in the last 30 years... Brandon is now considered a City LOL...
Hi! Are you currently training??? If not, or if you are interested in cross-training, check us out at www.selfdefensetampa.com

We are a crosstraining system, so you might find some interest in us. A lot of our work is on the ground to, as you stated where your interest was.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Self Defense Tampa
Welcome to MT, Stealth! I'm on the west coast, but here, its all one network.
Welcome aboard!

It seems that you have a pretty good variety of experience, and we look forward to you sharing some.

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