hello from Oklahoma


Orange Belt
Hello everyone. I have been studying in Martial Arts since i was 14. I started in Taekwondo and at age 16 started Kenpo Karate. I only made it to blue belt with strip before leaving Taekwondo, I did continued to study Kenpo and received my black belt. I'm currently starting my own Kenpo school and I also currently study Yom Chi Taekwondo and started from yellow belt and working my way back to were i left off and going to keep going up to black belt.

Do you compete any?

We have been wanting to come compete in Oklahoma for awhile....just dont know of any decent size open karate tournaments up that way.

Do you compete any?

We have been wanting to come compete in Oklahoma for awhile....just dont know of any decent size open karate tournaments up that way.

Look up Oklahoma Karate Association on Face Book. They are a close group. I believe their nest tournament is May 18 in Broken Arrow.

It has been awhile since i have competed in a tournament but I will be going to my first one in many years this weekend

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