head control. eyegouge vs chin.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
One of the uses for the grappling eyegouge is head control. Which in general I think controlling the chin is a bit better. But under a lot of curcumstances could be seen as interchangable.

I believe you get more torque out of the chin it goes on a bit faster and is less likley to slip out. Lots of different uses for it. Here is one of them.


In use it does tend to feel like they are trying to pull your head off as the difference between head control and a neck crank.

Neither will really work as a guard sweep by the way.
Fingers up the nose are quite good, fish hooking the mouth not bad. I once saw a squaddie grab another's tongue and pull hard, that was amusing. Ears too have been pulled and I've even seen a couple of fingers up a chap's bum but the perpetrator was quite angry.....not as angry as the man with the fingers up his bum though. Ah the wonderful British squaddies at play.
Fingers up the nose are quite good, fish hooking the mouth not bad. I once saw a squaddie grab another's tongue and pull hard, that was amusing. Ears too have been pulled and I've even seen a couple of fingers up a chap's bum but the perpetrator was quite angry.....not as angry as the man with the fingers up his bum though. Ah the wonderful British squaddies at play.

We had a Rugby League player here , who used to get up to some bottom shenanigans.

When your hands are the size of mine, and you come from the traditions that I do, a chin control IS an eye gouge. On my phone right now, so google " chinjab."
I like the chin. The chin was always the cornerstone of what we used to call bulldogging. PC liability caused us to call it "chin control" now, but I still think of it as bulldogging. I'm sure other parts of the face will work, but we always used the chinny chinny chin. :)
When your hands are the size of mine, and you come from the traditions that I do, a chin control IS an eye gouge. On my phone right now, so google " chinjab."


It's not that my hands are so big, but just that after I learned to push up on the chin and rake the eyes, every other technique I learned that used a chin strike/push, my fingers just always seemed to naturally go to the eyes. It would be quite effective, although I never had to use it for real.

I used to tell my students their goal was to see how much of their opponent's eyes they could get under their fingernails. If you can't see, you can't fight.

Although I suppose the loud screaming might be disconcerting.
One of the uses for the grappling eyegouge is head control. Which in general I think controlling the chin is a bit better. But under a lot of curcumstances could be seen as interchangable.

I believe you get more torque out of the chin it goes on a bit faster and is less likley to slip out. Lots of different uses for it. Here is one of them.


In use it does tend to feel like they are trying to pull your head off as the difference between head control and a neck crank.

Neither will really work as a guard sweep by the way.

Is direct head/chin control and eye gouge "holds" an effective way to fight? It seems like it would be but no martial arts that I know of do anything like that? I once saw a phony SAS guy do that and it was really convincing in terms of something that seemed effective as hell.
Is direct head/chin control and eye gouge "holds" an effective way to fight? It seems like it would be but no martial arts that I know of do anything like that? I once saw a phony SAS guy do that and it was really convincing in terms of something that seemed effective as hell.

Phoney SAS guy? Who and where?

I've been taught that in martial arts, why wouldn't it be?
Is direct head/chin control and eye gouge "holds" an effective way to fight? It seems like it would be but no martial arts that I know of do anything like that? I once saw a phony SAS guy do that and it was really convincing in terms of something that seemed effective as hell.

Well we chin control all over the place.
Phoney SAS guy? Who and where?

I've been taught that in martial arts, why wouldn't it be?

He was on you tube a while ago, until he was found out and then it was taken down. Havnt seen it since. Dont kno his name.

I know most arts do some form of head control, but ive never sene one that does direct head control as in twisting the head via the chin and back of the head, etc or holding and gouging the eyes. Ive never seen that b4 and it seems real simple and like it could be really effective. Head control for a takedown would work real well because the body follows the head naturally.
Unless some thug was coming at me with jewelry all over his face, I always thought of this stuff as an act of desperation. I real grappler will take you out, if all you have planned is an eye gouge. :)
He was on you tube a while ago, until he was found out and then it was taken down. Havnt seen it since. Dont kno his name.

I know most arts do some form of head control, but ive never sene one that does direct head control as in twisting the head via the chin and back of the head, etc or holding and gouging the eyes. Ive never seen that b4 and it seems real simple and like it could be really effective. Head control for a takedown would work real well because the body follows the head naturally.

A lot of arts have the head twist TD in them, I learned it in TKD 25+ years ago, then again in Kombatan Arnis. In fact it was part of the standard series taught for a punching attack. I've seen it in a host of other arts as well.

Even with control this technique is still pretty serious, in my own personal experience when my student took me down at arms length (instead of pulling me to his body), afterwards I had several visits to my chiropractor. I'm just thankful it wasn't done for real and at speed.