Genetics do play a role, but only in so much as to how easy or difficult it will be for you to get a six pack. Every healthy male can do it. I have had several friends tell me "my family is heavy, it's not in my genetics" but when I got them on a program (diet and exercise etc) and they stuck to it, they achieved their goal. There are much better trainers out there than me. So while body type (Mesomorph/ectomorph etc) will affect how easy it is to get lean, or how much mass you can build, you can do far more within your genetics than most people think.
Also, you do not need to be hungry all the time to get lean, what you do need to do is have an incredibly disciplined diet and exercise schedule. You have to eat clean, you have to eat at the right times and the right frequencies, you have to have the right ratio of protein/carbs/fats and that ratio has to change based on time of day and that days routine. You have to track changes in your body composition, and make changes to your diet and exercise as needed. In short, what it takes is much more discipline than most people have or are willing to muster for a six pack.
Suicide, I suggest that you purchase a couple of good books on the subject of diet and exercise. Myself and others can recommend some good ones that can be had for cheap on amazon if you need ideas. Get yourself a magazine subscription to something like fitnessRX. Spend time on some of the internet sites out there specifically geared towards fitness for fighters ( / are a fav of mine) and really put some time into getting up to speed. While you will get some good suggestions here, and get pointed in the right direction, I doubt anyone has the time or energy to write a 15 page post to give you the type of detail you need to get to 8% BF, improve speed and power, etcÂ…