Just looked over some training material, my oppinion on it.

  • Thread starter Thread starter first123class
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Hi Guys,
last night I got my hands on two things.
Tsatsuline's beyong crunches and Furey's Combat conditioning.
Here is my ideas about them.
As far as Beyong crunches is conserned, I never had a six pack and dont' really want one. What I want is a strong abdomen, which will do it's job.
Number one-protect my internal organs.
Number two- transfer the power from my lower body into my upper body.
It seems to me that he tries to isolate the abdominals to the point where they "begin to live in their own world". How ever if you guys want just a six pack ,period, that's a different story. I tried some exercise, so now I am slightly sore, but it doesn't say much in my oppinion, since you will be sore after each new exercise. Also I found it funny, how he would call himself "Evil Russian, call viewers "Comrades", At some point he announced that he left the dark force, and his job is to give Americans the six pack. Cheesy, but I guess a 15 year old would go for it.

Furey managed to take mostly 3 exercises and make a little book out of them.
I guess it's a matter of choice. He decided on Bridge, squats, and push ups. I personally would have went with push ups, squats and pull ups, If I had to choose 3 exercises.
I may be old school, bust still I will not do the squats the way he does them. My preveious reading points out that if you squat on the balls of the feet, you will mess up your knees eventually.
The bridge, would not suit well the people with lower back problems, at least I dont' think it will. Why is it a forbidden exercise, I don't know. People call him the master advertiser, may be that's why. lol.
Finally push ups, this one I kind of like. I know of the Dive-bomb push ups for a long time, how ever he pointed out the benefits. Props for that. As longe as you carefull with the lower back it can be a good exercise.

-By no means I am trying to promote this stuff. Just telling people what I thing of this material, in case someone out there is wondering what this stuff is all about.
I like Furey's Combat conditioning.
the only down to it is that you have to do about a houndred of each.
which i cant do by the way .
but my instructor was 2 times state champ in high school wrestling
and he has alot of practical strength he is about 5 foot 7 160 lbs and is about as strong as me not saing that i am really strong but i am about 6 foot 2inch 275 lbs and i work with grantie and marble so i do a lot of lifting all day .
any way he dose a lot of the combat conditioning hand stand push ups hindu push ups and squats and one leged squats doing all of this helps with
practical strength.
and it helps you build your core strength
Kenpochad, he does all of those squats and doesn't injure his knees?
first123class said:
Kenpochad, he does all of those squats and doesn't injure his knees?
He had knee injure and said the squats helped him .
but i would think it depends on what kind of injure you have but it did help him.
kenpochad said:
any way he dose a lot of the combat conditioning hand stand push ups hindu push ups and squats and one leged squats doing all of this helps with
practical strength.
o.k. what is a hindu push up???

Sweet Brighit bless your blade


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