Having a predatory killer instinct mentality is far more important in being a warrior than physical skills and physical fitness

Fun fact, the official logo of the International Clackledockling Federation is actually based on a real-life demonstration by Great Master @_Simon_, in his later years. The posture is an advanced one and is called "Koala picks up bird".
Indeed... remember that day like it was yesterday... all the hard training paid off and it all finally clackled 🙏🏻
I guess this is a good time to admit I'm a nerd too. I sometimes watch cartoons when home alone. Can't watch them when my woman is here, cause, well .... she'll tease and bully me about it. Nothing worse than getting bullied by someone you can't smack upside the head
My wife hates video games. Nothing dries it up like her coming home to me yelling at my buddies online.
I think everyone should just not take this guy to seriously….his only other post before this was nearly a year ago and it was about some fantasy death match of who would win between a female teenage murderer and a wrestler
So? I thought military soldiers aren't the most badass so why does that matter?
The fact that gridiron football was invented by a gridiron football player means that gridiron football players are one of the most badass people in the entire world.
So even if you're right that their bullies, bullying someone now = having a predatory killer instinct?
Yes! Bullies are predatory because they prey on and take advantage of the weak. The fact that you think bullies are innocent shows how screwed up your mind is. Why would you beat up someone, insult them, extort them, etc. and then call yourself innocent? What is wrong with you?

So being a bully is the same as being a contract killer? And since all high school athletes are bullies, that means they're all contract killers, rapists, pedophiles, etc? Did I understand that right?
You really are simple-minded. Very childlike too. Athlete bullies, athlete rapists, and athlete murderers literally have one thing in common which is why they are evil the way they are and that is because they are all testosterone-filled brutes.

But I guess you are thinking this way because you don't see how serious bullying is and you probably see bullying victims as garbage who deserved all of it. You don't have empathy.

Getting beat up, humiliated, insulted, degraded, made fun of, vandalize, extorted, ostracized, etc. is a serious issue that negatively affects a person's physical life and self-esteem forever.
Wait I thought this was about sports. What does him being in a gang have to do with anything? Besides, aren't sports people more badass than gang members?
What the love? If you're talking about alpha male brutes who are martial artists and combat sports athletes, then yes! But non-martial artist people who only did non-combat sports?! What the love?! love NO!

Do you really think that gridiron football players and hockey players will win in a brutal street fight to the death against some sociopathic gangsters and hardened street thugs? If you do, then you're lovely brainless. The athletes will die.

I got interesting news about two incarcerated football players and that is that some prison thug almost killed them by using only his bare hands. Then the prison thug sexually abused the two athletes afterwards.

Right now, it's just starting to look like you are some fanatical sports fan of gridiron football, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, and baseball who thinks that those athletes are the most moral and the most strongest warriors in history. Almost like some kind of superhero warrior deity worship you got going there. 😂

As opposed to the literal gang members? You understand that not all gang members are college frat boys right? And many athletes don't go to college or join frats?
98% of college frat boys are highschool athletes, college athletes, and highschool popular "cool" kids.

This depends a lot on what you consider frequent. I also don't think you need to be tough to get a women 100 pounds lighter than you drunk at a party and have your way with her. Immoral yes, but tough?
Testosterone is the hormone that makes alpha males aggressive and tough. But that hormone is also the same hormone that makes alpha males hypersexual, rule-breakers, selfish, and risk-takers.

Learn biological science. Human minds are not souls inside physical bodies. Human minds are just a bunch of chemicals and flesh.

And people who have been doing a sport since young (regardless if it's boxing/wrestling or something else) will have a good base level of fitness.
That's indeed true. But predatory aggression mindset and alpha male mentality is still far more important especially in the long run. And this is why most MMA elites have violent criminal records. They embraced their predatory killer instinct. They embraced the darkness by selling their souls to the Devil.

I'll be more scared of an aggressive trashtalking esports DOTA 2 competitive video game player who have a lot of experiences in brawls and trashtalks inside public computer cafes than some less aggressive less competitive highschool gridiron football player.
OP has a point. Look at some of the most famous boxers - Mike Tyson, Hector Camacho, Mitch Green, Sonny Liston, Jake LaMotta - the list goes on: they've all had a history of getting in trouble with the law due to committing violent crimes.

However, I'm never going to argue that it's better to be that type. It comes with consequences that those of us who wish to lead a quite life don't want.
People here are way too occupied in their hero worship of their favorite popular athletes in that they will actually be enablers to these athletes if these athletes try to commit crimes. 🤣🤣🤣

Watching MMA fighters is fine but I wouldn't be friends with them or even get near them.

MMA elites are not puppies, kittens, hamsters, ferrets, or parrots but more like dragons, T-rex, crocodiles, scorpions, cobras, krakens, deathworms, venomous tarantulas, and griffins. When they're inside their cages, they're interesting to look at but I wouldn't keep them as pets or cuddle them.
really, name those MMA legends..... you seem to think there are a lot...please provide a list....other then that junior, quit wasting my time
LOL! Are you kidding me? I don't need to do that because it's so obvious. They obviously start trouble everywhere. That's a fact you can't deny. For example, the Gracies perfected BJJ by starting fights in the streets in ******* ways.
I think everyone should just not take this guy to seriously….his only other post before this was nearly a year ago and it was about some fantasy death match of who would win between a female teenage murderer and a wrestler

Can we make this a tag team?
A wrestler and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle vs a Female teenage murderer and a Hunchback Rugby Scrum Pusher.

We could get popcorn.
That's movies. In reality, nerds who learn martial arts don't get in fights with jocks. Jocks don't mess with them because it looks bad to be smacked around by a nerd. Nerds who learn martial arts also know how to avoid being a target of bullies.

Because nerds are intelligent and know not just how to fight (if trained), they learn when to fight - and when not to.

Nerds don't need it. It's a liability to survival in the human world. Even on the modern battlefield, 'killer instinct' has limited utility.
You've ignored any rebuttals that aren't one-line responses, gone on unrelated tangents, and have edited out your posts to lie about what you've written. Whether or not your actual argument is solid, you're not exactly making a great case for it.
Okay, I admit that I lied about the anime video part. I did that so that people will take me seriously. Apparently, nerds are seen here as immature beta male idiots who have nothing to offer the world in terms of wisdom which is why I lied about the anime video so that people will take me seriously here.

Also, I didn't ignore anything. The fact is that I have a lot of responses here.
LOL! Are you kidding me? I don't need to do that because it's so obvious. They obviously start trouble everywhere. That's a fact you can't deny. For example, the Gracies perfected BJJ by starting fights in the streets in ******* ways.
Don't have a name of the MMA folks huh..... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.... and you got nothing.... yup your a troll and not even good at it.... I'm guessing I estimated your age wrong.... not high school...junior high....

It's past your bedtime junior....
Can we make this a tag team?
A wrestler and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle vs a Female teenage murderer and a Hunchback Rugby Scrum Pusher.

We could get popcorn.
I think everyone should just not take this guy to seriously….his only other post before this was nearly a year ago and it was about some fantasy death match of who would win between a female teenage murderer and a wrestler
you are right.... I'm out... not looking to continue this with a teenybopper troll
Today, team sports serve as an outlet for "warrior culture" that would otherwise be incompatible with a modern civilized society. So I get what the OP is saying.

From what I recall, all children were equal in social status up to the 3rd grade. It was in the 4th grade that pecking orders were starting to be established. And it was the boys who were reaching puberty before the others that held the higher positions.
Exactly, all non-martial arts sports and non-combat sports should be about physical fitness and discipline. That's it! No need for some warrior culture or toxic machismo hegemonic masculinity to be in them. It's absolutely unnecessary and only scares non-alpha male normal peoples away.

All non-warrior sports should be just like going to your local public bodybuilding gym.

But no! Coaches inject hypermasculinity and warrior mentality in sports. This is how non-warrior sports become full of low IQ bullies and testosterone-filled retarded alpha jerkbags who routinely fail their school academics.

Coaches, teachers, and other adults actually encourage this and yet they get offended when their beloved highschool athletes get stereotyped as dumb barbarian uncivilized brutes.

Honestly, I don't think athletes will be popular if they are not testosterone-filled alpha male bullies but are just normal babyfaced goody-two-shoes people who take academics seriously.

Like I said again, everyone worships assholes as long as those assholes don't hurt them and here are proof:

People love the bad boy image. Can you imagine athletes having no bad boy aura or masculine edge? Like if athletes are like nerds to the point that athletes have no masculinity. Can you even imagine that? Do you think people will take them seriously? No! I don't think so!

Athletics is basically the physical brother of the mental academics. It's not anymore masculine than academics. It's just that! Athletes with no bad boy image will just be seen as physical nerds. That's it.

There is probably a parallel universe outside of our universe where athletes are not bad boys, don't bully, and are nice as nerds. I am pretty sure that in that parallel universe, they are seen as loser goody-two-shoes for taking sports seriously the same way that academics nerds in our universe are seen as loser goody-two-shoes for taking academics seriously.

People like bad boys. This is also the reason why criminal gangsters, Wild Old West outlaws, and serial killers are often glorified in mainstream media. People love bad boys.