have you ever dealt with an aggressive COP

No, but I've had a few threaten to "blow my head off" or "sling some led through my windshield."

In my experience it is their guns, and not their martial arts, that they are "dying to use."

thats dying to use what he has learned in the MA against you ?

Never dealt with any aggressive LEO period, and I've met more than I can count since I started working nights.
My last 20+ interactions with LEO's went fine. A few asked to be informed when I'd be shooting nudes again. That's about as "aggressive" as I've had recently.
All of my dealings have been fine. Of course, we can look at this 2 ways. 1) We could have a LEO that is letting his powers go to his head, thus making him aggressive, or 2) The action of the person he is dealing with, could make him aggressive.

Either way, IMO, 99% of the headaches people tend to run into could probably be avoided if it was dealt with afterwards. In other words, cop pulls me over for supposedly going thru a red light. I claim it wasnt red, he says it was. He gives me a ticket. Now, I could call him every name in the book or accept the ticket, and plead my case later on. Which one would make more sense to do at the moment?
Never had a physical encounter, no. Threatened? Yes.

But most of the time I have pleasant and respectful exchanges with police.
I've had a couple incidents like that. Thank the gods I was able to defuse them.

It did lead to one fey moment where I took leave of my senses and only the fact that I was riding the Chaos that rules the Universe for a grand uncontrollable moment kept me out of jail or the grave.
Hmmm...Let's see. The last time a LEO got physical with me, I struck him in the chest with a restraining rod, while another teacher simultaniously struck him from behind the knees. I then steped on his hand while yet another person took the officer's knife away (yes, I said knife).

Of course, this was all part of our public school teachers training on how to deal with a crazed person attacking students/teachers. It is always interesting (for me) to see how my fellow school teachers handle these scenarios. Most of them do fairly well considering they usually do not have any other sort of training.

The police officer, for his part, was quite good humored after the fact, considering the bruising he recieved from having a 98kg gaijin putting him down and then sitting on him!
I have had very, very, few interactions with LEO's, but the few times I have they have always been polite, professional, and considerate.
I try to stear clear of ANY type of cop / enforcement, a majority are corrupt in some way or other, ask you a question, they dont believe / trust your answer anyway.
I never have any problems with any LEO in my county(SO, PD, HP). Most of them know me, if not all and they are always nice to me. I have had a few come to the car with their hand on their gun when in other counties, only reason they gave me for this is that when they run my DL, it comes up that I am carrying. A drawback, IMO, to having our CCH tied to our DL. Run one and it pops up automatically. I cannot blame them for being a little apprehensive.
I try to stear clear of ANY type of cop / enforcement, a majority are corrupt in some way or other, ask you a question, they dont believe / trust your answer anyway.

You reckon? Is that Preston Lancashire or Preston somewhere else? if the former I doubt very much you are right about the police being corrupt, it's a good force there who face quite challenging populations.
Of course, this was all part of our public school teachers training on how to deal with a crazed person attacking students/teachers. It is always interesting (for me) to see how my fellow school teachers handle these scenarios. Most of them do fairly well considering they usually do not have any other sort of training.

Being a public school teacher IS training, IMO. My mother and husband are both teachers.

I have only had a couple of unpleasant encounters with police officers; and, with the exception of the traffic officer who made me stick my finger in my eye to prove I was wearing my contact lenses when I was 16, they have all been in tourist areas of New Orleans. Go figure.
I try to stear clear of ANY type of cop / enforcement, a majority are corrupt in some way or other, ask you a question, they dont believe / trust your answer anyway.

To me this sounds like you're lumping all of them in the same group. IMO, alot of the time, it comes down to the approach. If you're already on the defensive, of course the cop is going to do the same.

The few times I've dealt with them, in both cases, I was pulled over because they thought I was drunk. One was a town cop, the other state. Both cases were late at night, as I was coming home from work. Things could have been worse, but I did what I had to do, to put their mind at ease, ie: turn on the interior light in my car to let them see better, kept my hands on the steering wheel, when I went to get my DL, I told them that I was removing my seatbelt, and where I was reaching to get the DL. Did I have to do any of that? Nope, but I did, so as to not let them think that I was making any suspicious moves.

I'm not saying that they're all good, as there are bad ones mixed in, but I dont want to say that they're all evil.
I have had a few run ins with cops. Most of them were my fault, young and dumb and full of.....well testoserone. But like anything else you'll get a douche bag now and again. Their usually the ones that got the **** kicked out of them when they were younger, now with a gun and badge they got something to prove.

But I've found out that if you keep nose clean, they usually don't bother you. Hmmmm.......go figure
Never dealt with an aggressive cop, but I have dealt with some very sarcastic ones.
Overall, they have been extremely professional.

A+++ would get pulled over again!
No, but, I did MF a Police Captain over the phone one time, and had a SGT at my door five minutes later... Two cars stolen twice EACH in two months... The closest I came to physical confrontation was the cop that ran a red light (no lights, no siren) and almost T Boned me. After sliding through the intersection sideways I may have threatened to kick his ***...
Some excellent advice for dealing with the cops can be found in this video. Warning -- there may be some language that's at the outer edge of PG13.


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