Have you ever broken any bones?


Orange Belt
Have you ever had to resort to using you Ju Jitsu holds and actually broke someone's bone? Like leg/arm?

Looking forward to hearing your actions :P
I broke a girls finger once. Had my bones broken.
Threw a Guy into a wall. Yay...ukemi doesn't help much when you
Go into a wall.
I've also hyper-extended a few arms throughout my years of training but that was due to carelessness on me and my partner; it wasn't intentional.
i got my knee cracked, not completely broken once when me and my friend robby were learning techniques off youtube and did one wrong >.> i still have to wear my knee brace to this day.
The capsule in my elbow snapped last month at the NAGA World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. I was fighting in the expert no-gi superheavyweight division and my opponent attacked my shoulder with a keylock and as I was working the escape, my elbow snapped (getting old). I was going to also fight in the master's division (30+), but that blew that. I should be better in 3-6 more weeks if I behave.
The capsule in my elbow snapped last month at the NAGA World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. I was fighting in the expert no-gi superheavyweight division and my opponent attacked my shoulder with a keylock and as I was working the escape, my elbow snapped (getting old). I was going to also fight in the master's division (30+), but that blew that. I should be better in 3-6 more weeks if I behave.

sorry to hear about that. do you like gi or no gi better?
Never broken anyone's bones, but I've broken my collar bone and dislocated my elbow. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Lol!

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I thought this toic was about our own bones But yes I have broken other people's bones, my sister I broke both her arms (on separate occasions). Lets just state that it was a sparring incident the first time (she was 2 belt levels behind me at the time) and another was an accidental fall. Then there was Murphy, my main rival (if there can be such a thing) in karate as a kid, I broke his nose, and broke a finger in there too.

Broke fingers all the time. Really got in the way learning guitar as a kid. Got my right knee broken reall7 bad in training too, first surgery!

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