i got my knee cracked, not completely broken once when me and my friend robby were learning techniques off youtube and did one wrong >.> i still have to wear my knee brace to this day.
The capsule in my elbow snapped last month at the NAGA World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. I was fighting in the expert no-gi superheavyweight division and my opponent attacked my shoulder with a keylock and as I was working the escape, my elbow snapped (getting old). I was going to also fight in the master's division (30+), but that blew that. I should be better in 3-6 more weeks if I behave.
The capsule in my elbow snapped last month at the NAGA World Jiu-Jitsu Championships. I was fighting in the expert no-gi superheavyweight division and my opponent attacked my shoulder with a keylock and as I was working the escape, my elbow snapped (getting old). I was going to also fight in the master's division (30+), but that blew that. I should be better in 3-6 more weeks if I behave.
I thought this toic was about our own bones But yes I have broken other people's bones, my sister I broke both her arms (on separate occasions). Lets just state that it was a sparring incident the first time (she was 2 belt levels behind me at the time) and another was an accidental fall. Then there was Murphy, my main rival (if there can be such a thing) in karate as a kid, I broke his nose, and broke a finger in there too.
Broke fingers all the time. Really got in the way learning guitar as a kid. Got my right knee broken reall7 bad in training too, first surgery!
i got my knee cracked, not completely broken once when me and my friend robby were learning techniques off youtube and did one wrong >.> i still have to wear my knee brace to this day.