In a In a situation where my life was in danger, unfortunately yes.
I was almost mugged when I worked in Newark, NJ. I was coming off shift at my job and two people asked me for a cigarette....and my watch and wallet as well. At first I thought they were goofing around and didn't take them seriously...then I realized they were for real.
Strangely, the first thing I saw in my head was my two little girls saying "Why didn't our daddy come home tonight?"
Then I became something short, I front kicked one guy in the bladder then grabbed his trachea and feeling my fingers touch behind his throat I let go...he made a really wierd noise and collapsed to the ground. The second guy grabbed my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his and subsequently dislocating/ hyper-extending his elbow, I felt his arm snap, and then I sidekicked his knee, again, dislocating/ hyper-extending his knee, he screamed, fell to the ground and started crawling away. I looked around, got in my car, went home and hugged my wife and kids.
Now here is the really strange part...I actually felt bad for the guys because they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. They saw a little (5'8 150) guy and thought they had an easy mark unfortunately for them, they were very very wrong.
All the years spent training and having a lot of fun doing it BTW culminated in that one moment...that one life or death situation which allowed me to go home to my wife and kids and I will always be in debted to my teacher for the skills he gave me to survive that unpleasant situation.
Yes it did and Yes I was and I do not wish anyone to be in that same situation. Hopefully, I will not have to put my training to the test ever again. I did not want to destroy two human beings However, they gave me no choice.