Master Black Belt
I had a weird sort of injury happen last night so am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or knows what could have happened?
I had worked out for about 45 minutes in the black belt class. We then did warm-ups again with the next adult beginner class and started into moving basics. I went back to help my son with something (sitting on the side-lines) and when I bent over to grab something off the floor, it was like a very sharp pain in my stomach as though something had suddenly been pinched or crushed the wrong way. I stood up, thinking all would be fine and I'd re-join class but then very suddenly got nauseous, kinda weak-kneed and a little short of breath. I raised my arms over my head which seemed to help a bit.....felt like I needed to stretch my stomach out, I layed down on the floor face down and pushed up with my arms to stretch the tummy out. Once I stood up from that, I felt a lot better. Gave it another 5 minutes and everything was back to normal!! Last night and today though, I feel as though I've done like 5,000 sit-ups. It feels like a lot of muscles are pulled in my stomach.
Wondering- could I have pinched a muscle? An intestine? Anyone else ever experience this? It was not fun!!
I had worked out for about 45 minutes in the black belt class. We then did warm-ups again with the next adult beginner class and started into moving basics. I went back to help my son with something (sitting on the side-lines) and when I bent over to grab something off the floor, it was like a very sharp pain in my stomach as though something had suddenly been pinched or crushed the wrong way. I stood up, thinking all would be fine and I'd re-join class but then very suddenly got nauseous, kinda weak-kneed and a little short of breath. I raised my arms over my head which seemed to help a bit.....felt like I needed to stretch my stomach out, I layed down on the floor face down and pushed up with my arms to stretch the tummy out. Once I stood up from that, I felt a lot better. Gave it another 5 minutes and everything was back to normal!! Last night and today though, I feel as though I've done like 5,000 sit-ups. It feels like a lot of muscles are pulled in my stomach.
Wondering- could I have pinched a muscle? An intestine? Anyone else ever experience this? It was not fun!!