Has this ever happened to you?


Master Black Belt
I had a weird sort of injury happen last night so am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or knows what could have happened?

I had worked out for about 45 minutes in the black belt class. We then did warm-ups again with the next adult beginner class and started into moving basics. I went back to help my son with something (sitting on the side-lines) and when I bent over to grab something off the floor, it was like a very sharp pain in my stomach as though something had suddenly been pinched or crushed the wrong way. I stood up, thinking all would be fine and I'd re-join class but then very suddenly got nauseous, kinda weak-kneed and a little short of breath. I raised my arms over my head which seemed to help a bit.....felt like I needed to stretch my stomach out somehow.......so, I layed down on the floor face down and pushed up with my arms to stretch the tummy out. Once I stood up from that, I felt a lot better. Gave it another 5 minutes and everything was back to normal!! Last night and today though, I feel as though I've done like 5,000 sit-ups. It feels like a lot of muscles are pulled in my stomach.

Wondering- could I have pinched a muscle? An intestine? Anyone else ever experience this? It was not fun!!

Thanks!! :)
Shodan said:
I had a weird sort of injury happen last night so am wondering if anyone else has experienced this or knows what could have happened?

I had worked out for about 45 minutes in the black belt class. We then did warm-ups again with the next adult beginner class and started into moving basics. I went back to help my son with something (sitting on the side-lines) and when I bent over to grab something off the floor, it was like a very sharp pain in my stomach as though something had suddenly been pinched or crushed the wrong way. I stood up, thinking all would be fine and I'd re-join class but then very suddenly got nauseous, kinda weak-kneed and a little short of breath. I raised my arms over my head which seemed to help a bit.....felt like I needed to stretch my stomach out somehow.......so, I layed down on the floor face down and pushed up with my arms to stretch the tummy out. Once I stood up from that, I felt a lot better. Gave it another 5 minutes and everything was back to normal!! Last night and today though, I feel as though I've done like 5,000 sit-ups. It feels like a lot of muscles are pulled in my stomach.

Wondering- could I have pinched a muscle? An intestine? Anyone else ever experience this? It was not fun!!

Thanks!! :)
No that don't sound fun at all. You were saying 45 minutes in a BB class, what exactly were you doing in the class. Were there any blows to the stomach/mid-section? Were you doing throws? Did ya have a lot of breaks in between or was it a good long session of continual techniques?

What you did to relieve it sounds like a good idea. I'd be a hellva lot more careful in your next class and if it happens again ... talk to your doc.
Thanks for the reply Caver......well, we didn't really do anything out of the ordinary- warm-ups, worked techs on the body, but I don't remember any notable shots to the gut. I did do a bit of falling- but it was controlled and kinda slow-motion- knees to belly.....we were learning a couple new techs so we weren't being too speedy. I am in the process of getting back into shape, so am trying to be careful and not push myself too far too fast......so something like a simple bend to pick up something turned out to be a shocker!! I definitely will be very cautious now for awhile on bending!! :)
Yep..I have NEVER figured it out,,I throught it was "old age" making his presence known...
Pain in your stomach from bending down? Odd, I was expecting maybe a lower back pain but the abs area hurting from bending down is unexpected. I don't have any idea what it could be either, apart from maybe stress? But I hope things are better now.

I still recall my lower back going out from bending over to pick up a can of coffee. Ooh not pleasant.

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