Has Martial Art made an impact on your life


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Has Martial Art made an impact on your life : I mean it has made a impact on my every day aspect of life I'm able to see things that I would have never notice.:asian:
1) Have anybody been in the projects and it help bring you to to top of life.

2) Did it help you get through school and help further your careers
3) Does it help you with your everyday decissions
4) has it helped you with your family
5) how about spiritually
I know this may have been touched on but I would like to know real life scenio's, I'm in the progress of putting together a support group for the poor and the woman and childern of the world that has been abused in some way or another. You can pm if you wish and your name will not be used just looking for real life scenio's that i can used as a tool for those less fortunate.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
Arlington Texas 76010
Yea it helps me with life in. I am able to withstand and work my way through all the BS on the job.
it helps me train my son and others in lifes most important aspects one that I learned in the MA..dont quit keep on trying.
It even helped me get on the love connection... heehehe how.....
well I remember Sensei talking about competeing in Kata and how we should be the last one to perform as the judges tend to raise the scores as time passes...
Come interview for the L/C I placed myself where I felt Iwould be the last to be questioned watched how the others answered the questions and responded and I did something entirely different....changed the showmanship different then the others much to my surprized I was selected and selected to be the one who chose....

Anyway that philosophy of the MA has helped me in business meetings an other things...
rememebr book of the 5 rings is now used for business
I have noticed what is fantasy and what is reality in movie fights (IE The Matrix Trilogy) But the most valuable aspect is that my confidence is higher than ever...i don't panic during fights nor do I worry as much about things, like "The deadbolt isn't locked ::shrugs::" or Bully: "I'm gonna kick your ***" Sin: "No your not." Confidence and self improvment has been the most gratafying thing I have gotten out of Martial Arts... On top over everything i am stronger than I ever have been and i am healthier than I ever have been. Before my Martial Arts training i used to get sick all the time...now, i still get sick but not as often anymore...I might get a little cold or a cough here and there but nothing that makes me stay home from school. At least once a year I get that sick and it used o be once a month......

Martial Arts has made me Confident, Healthy, and has trained my eyes to see what actual MA moves in movies, and in real life actually work...
terryl965 said:
Has Martial Art made an impact on your life : I mean it has made a impact on my every day aspect of life I'm able to see things that I would have never notice.:asian:
1) Have anybody been in the projects and it help bring you to to top of life.

2) Did it help you get through school and help further your careers
3) Does it help you with your everyday decissions
4) has it helped you with your family
5) how about spiritually
I know this may have been touched on but I would like to know real life scenio's, I'm in the progress of putting together a support group for the poor and the woman and childern of the world that has been abused in some way or another. You can pm if you wish and your name will not be used just looking for real life scenio's that i can used as a tool for those less fortunate.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
Arlington Texas 76010
In education now, teachers like to talk about 'interdisciplinary learning' where you use a project or theme to tie in science, math, english, history, psychology, philosophy...so I guess that MA was that central focus of a personal 'interdisciplinary learning' process. I remembered things and actually studied on my own (when I should have been studying for classes :)) things that I don't think I would have touched had it not related to MA in some way.

So, sure MA has had an impact on my life....
I have impacts on my ribs, arms, legs, head......;)
Whitebelt said:
Well kinda...i kick things when i'm frustrated now instead of hitting them.
I call that progress...::Standing ovation::
you shouldn't have to kick random things thats just destructive...get a bag...I did and whenever I feel a little bit of that anger come along I pull it out and beat its ares, at first I start out with set combos of my school and eventually it turns into a freesyle...or do kata if you are frustrated, it helps me a lot
I believe that it has helped me in focusing on what I want out of my life. In school, I am more disciplined to study and take initiative in asking questions and getting hw done on time.
Marital arts has almost single-handedly shaped my spiritual beliefs. Every time I practice MA, its a serious religious experience for me, and as such, has given me insight into things I would've never considered. I guess I would say that martial arts has helped open my mind up to new possibilities and see things from a different light. In a tangible context, I'm more able to think outside the box, read emotions, see patterns in nearly unrelated information, and be aware of my surroundings and my interaction with them.
i have met many intresting individuales wile training in MA. At tournaments, on Martial Talk, at school, and in the dojo. Some of witch have become very good friends of mine.
terryl965 said:
1) Have anybody been in the projects and it help bring you to to top of life.
Not projects but my family was extremely poor growing up. Bread, sugar and milk for dinner poor. But rich in family and love. No, too old when I joined but can see that it would have helped have some self-esteem when I was young.

2. Not applicable.

3) Does it help you with your everyday decisions
Most of who I am was there at age 47 when I started TKD, but absolutely it solidified and made firmer what I already believed in. Especially integrity. I had just went through alot defending someone at work, to my expense. God showed me that it was only his justice and it became evident in the years following what happened to certain people. Stand up for what you believe in, in your heart if it is true, it doesn't matter the cost.

4) has it helped you with your family
TKD has helped both my son and daughter become very respectful, caring, and strong individuals. It also made our bonds closer in the doing.

5) how about spiritually
God cured my daughter's asthma which had gotten increasingly worse in TKD class and was subsequently diagnosed. He also has made my family stronger through subsequent trials in TKD as we rallied together. I have also come to know alot of the people closer than any other type of setting, as we delve deeper into ourselves to be able to continue and see each other day to day. I hope to help as many people as possible through TKD in their lives to achieve joy and well-being, a firm knowledge of self, and give a sense of purpose-reason for living that transmits beyond TKD.
MA helped me to see the truth in all things. When I watch people walk I can see their old injuries affecting posture. When I see people move I see it before they do it, it's like a little field that's just a 1/10th second ahead of their actual movement, most movement is quite telegraphic.

It's helped me learn to dance, in JKD we do a lot of rhythym, or broken rhythym practice. It's helped me to appreciate beauty and art, I love ballet as a result of learning to truly see movement in it's gorgeous "thusness".

In terms of spirituality it has helped me to realize that when something seems bad, it could always be worse. And I know that if it could be worse, then it could be better. I've learned never to quit, just keep workin' to better my situation.

MA has taught me mercy and control. It's taught me that I truly love to help and teach other people. I've learned to be patient, because the counter-fighter always has the advantage.

I could go on forever. In other words, yes MA has changed my life profoundly. :boing2: