ghostdog2 said:
" Happy Holidays" is that sort of "one size fits all" greeting that serves well the timid soul who is more afraid of saying something inappropriate than he is about wishing anyone a Happy anything
It seves as a sterile social convention between people who don't know each other well. Sort of like the universal " Ms. " instead of "Miss" or "Mrs." used when the adressee is someone you don't really know and don't want to offend. Contrived but serviceable. Friends know what holiday it is they and you are celebrating and will be warmed, not put off, by Happy New Year.
Hi: I don't think it is a timid soul at all, I think it is a respectful greeting.
Or how about "good morning", the other responds "good morning", then you ask, how are you? They then are no longer friendly and courteous, response is, "stuff it buddy it is none of your business"!
On to the origin of the Mrs. and Miss, is similar to the Senora and Senorita or if you were talking about a young Filly or an Old Mare. Some has to do with age and some have to do with marriage...
I believe the women of this world wanted to have something that was not classifing them. So now we have Ms.
I was under the impression in the time of Jesus and his birth the term "Virgin" ment unmarried...Virgin did not mean what it does today (English)...
I think it is OK to say they were not like we are in America regarding the Chastity item.
We have changed that word "Virgin" to mean something else...
In that particular society if the women was found not to be "complete" there was trouble for them, unless the male for his own respect and for the women he loved, it was move to a new location. Sound familiar?
Regards, Gary