And i've thrown up so many times over the years, from fighting, sparring, training too hard, my last kungfu class, almost everytime we'd spar i'd puke, becuase we wouldn't wear any protective gear, we would just hit, and im hard on my self *obviously* so i always ask to fight the best guys in the class, it's better experience. But im also not a mental case, I love my body and I try not to damage it, I live on nutrition, sometimes i have a hamburger, but mostly nutrition. I donno I gues it's because martial arts has always been someone I enjoy doing, so I train the best I can, jsut to tell you guys lol.
Broken my arm, all my ribs, cracked a few, broken a few fingers and a few toes, dislocated shoulders, one shoulder is frigged and wants to keep popping out, scars...i have alot of scars, broken 2 growth plates in my fingers, and 6 growth plates in my toes, torn both hamstrings countless times, been to the hospital a few times, knee problems but that was because of a fight a few years ago, sucka had a bat

. I jsut dont want to take martial arts to an abusive lvl, I want to train as hard as possible, but not abusive.