Happy Holidays


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
For all the members here on Martial Talk and there familys, I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all for being here for the best and the worst that I personally had to offer this year.

May GOD bless you ten folds for the joy you have brought me over this past year. Some days would have been a complete lost if not for you fine folks here. I only hope you can feel the warmth and pleasure that you have given to me and my families.

The wisdom and sincerity along with the jokes gave me more than I could ever repay, you are truely the greatest community in the world.
Terry Stoker & Family:asian:
For all the members here on Martial Talk and there familys, I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all for being here for the best and the worst that I personally had to offer this year.

May GOD bless you ten folds for the joy you have brought me over this past year. Some days would have been a complete lost if not for you fine folks here. I only hope you can feel the warmth and pleasure that you have given to me and my families.

The wisdom and sincerity along with the jokes gave me more than I could ever repay, you are truely the greatest community in the world.

I can't really beat that, so I'll just agree! Happy holidays and a wondrous New Year to you all.
I agree!! Happy holidays to everyone, and thank you all for making this the BEST forum on the internet.:ultracool :) :wavey: :cheers: :highfive: :-partyon: :-partyon:
For all the members here on Martial Talk and there familys, I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all for being here for the best and the worst that I personally had to offer this year.

May GOD bless you ten folds for the joy you have brought me over this past year. Some days would have been a complete lost if not for you fine folks here. I only hope you can feel the warmth and pleasure that you have given to me and my families.

The wisdom and sincerity along with the jokes gave me more than I could ever repay, you are truely the greatest community in the world.
Terry Stoker & Family:asian:

I couldn't say it any better. I wish everyone a safe, healthy and happy holiday season and more of the same in the new year.
For all the members here on Martial Talk and there familys, I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all for being here for the best and the worst that I personally had to offer this year.

May GOD bless you ten folds for the joy you have brought me over this past year. Some days would have been a complete lost if not for you fine folks here. I only hope you can feel the warmth and pleasure that you have given to me and my families.

The wisdom and sincerity along with the jokes gave me more than I could ever repay, you are truely the greatest community in the world.

While it may seem like cheating to some to quote another member and not add a personal greeting, when one says with as much heart as Terry there is nothing to add except "Yes, what he said times 10"
For all the members here on Martial Talk and there familys, I would like to take this time to say THANK YOU all for being here for the best and the worst that I personally had to offer this year.

May GOD bless you ten folds for the joy you have brought me over this past year. Some days would have been a complete lost if not for you fine folks here. I only hope you can feel the warmth and pleasure that you have given to me and my families.

The wisdom and sincerity along with the jokes gave me more than I could ever repay, you are truely the greatest community in the world.
Terry Stoker & Family:asian:

Terry, I couldn't have said it better. I wish the same to you and to all my friends here on Martial Talk.
I just like to add Thank you all who have replyed, Merry Christmas and have a wonderful Holiday

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