Hand striking to the head


Brown Belt
Founding Member
I just want to get a show of hands as to how many fellow TDKers train for striking to the head with the hands on a regular basis. If so, is it done with sparring? Helmet or no helmet? Open or closed hand? How hard?
ITF TKD has always allowed head strikes - any type of strike that is legal to other parts of the body. Targets are allowed anywhere on the head (front, back, and sides), but not anywhere on the neck, due to the danger of hitting a major artery. It seems to me that this is much more realistic from a self-defense standpoint.

We did not wear helmets when I started, but do now - although that's as much, or more, because sweeps are also allowed, and the biggest danger in a sweep is the swept fighter hitting his/her head on the floor while falling, which is a greater risk of injury than the sweep.

Generally, contact is moderate/heavy to the body, lighter to the head.
we practice backfist, ridgehand, and hook punch for sparring; no direct contact to the face.

For self defense; eye gouges, spearhands, jabs, uppercuts, overhead punch, elbow strikes , all to the head/ face/ throat are practiced on BOB.
Only when sparring a friend, our org sparring rules don't allow it. With headgear and chops, light contact only.
deadhand31 said:
I just want to get a show of hands as to how many fellow TDKers train for striking to the head with the hands on a regular basis. If so, is it done with sparring? Helmet or no helmet? Open or closed hand? How hard?

I'm not a TKD'er but I did have some practice partners who didn't mind head shots. We'd spar semi-full contact (not that us low level dorks could do much damage while trying to perform proper techniques). But, we didn't practice any front of the face punches, since that could bust a nose/teeth. Rolling fists, knife strikes, dragon fists were all good and proper. Helmetless, and about as hard as you can hit a good friend.. Which is by default not so hard.
You can use ridge hands, back fist, spinning back fist strikes. Use control. That is just a show of consideration and respect I believe. Also, the hand striking to the head is not done until dan level in my organization.

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