Halloween Puzzle...


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
So you think you know your horror and macabre movies do you? Try this one on for size... a picture with clues to 50 "Dark Movies" (old and new)... Click on a spot in the picture that you think represents a clue to a movie's name and type in the space provided and it'll either turn red if you're wrong or green if you're right and turn that particular spot dark.

I got only 28 out of 50... some are just unfantomable. Others are pretty obvious. As you will soon see.... bwah ha ha ha ha ha .......

Pretty neat though... how well did you do?

Drac, I'm expecting you to beat my 28 out of 50 ....
You flatter me Sir...So where is the link to click on?????
Geez I shouldn't be on this board... slapping down the gauntlets and making challenges to fellow mentors and not even giving them a link to go by... geez...
:rolleyes: sorry about that... Thanks Kreth
You win Caver..Only got 25...
UP to 31 as of today...
A hint for anyone trying this: not all of the titles are what I would call "horror" movies.
A hint for anyone trying this: not all of the titles are what I would call "horror" movies.

Truer word were never spoken..Before Halloween arrives I'm gonna have to find the answers somewhere..
I got up to 45 before I did some Googling. Here are the answers for those so inclined.
Up to 33..The M&M juggling the pennies was a toughie....
FINALLY made it to 44 and gave up and went to Google and checked out the anwers... The one's that did me in were,in no particular order..

1. Woman by barrel of water
2. The Green M&M in the dress
3. The stairs
4.The men Standing on the stairs with their back to each other
5. The 3 3 kids in a circle
6.The baby and the green tree..

Anyone have simlar problems????
FINALLY made it to 44 and gave up and went to Google and checked out the anwers... The one's that did me in were,in no particular order..

1. Woman by barrel of water
I just saw this movie recently, so it was obvious for me.
2. The Green M&M in the dress
This took me a while.
3. The stairs
Didn't get this one.
4.The men Standing on the stairs with their back to each other
This one just kind of popped into my head after a few (wrong) guesses.
5. The 3 3 kids in a circle
Seemed obvious after I figured it out. :p
6.The baby and the green tree..
Didn't get this one, and it was a big "Duh!" moment once I checked the answers.
The Grim Reaper and colliding planets were two other ones I didn't get.
The Grim Reaper and colliding planets were two other ones I didn't get.

The Grim reaper was a lucky guess..There were only 2 choices for the planets, the 2nd one was it...
FINALLY made it to 44 and gave up and went to Google and checked out the anwers... The one's that did me in were,in no particular order..

1. Woman by barrel of water
2. The Green M&M in the dress
3. The stairs
4.The men Standing on the stairs with their back to each other
5. The 3 3 kids in a circle
6.The baby and the green tree..

Anyone have simlar problems????

I didn't get those either, except #1 and #6, then there were a few others.

I tried to apply 'the baby and the green tree' answer to the woman holding the infant initially. Then I had a 'duh' moment and applied it correctly to the big baby.

I kicked myself that I didn't get the people with the letters 'O' when I looked at the answers. Most of the others I just never heard of.

Did you see the hall of fame? 2:22? Yeah, right!

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