

Master of Arts
Dec 13, 2011
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Haiku belong here
Syllables in each line are
Five, seven and five

My knees are hurting
I really should get them checked
But I can't be arsed

Girlfriend is again
Bemoaning the loss of her
Beloved chap stick

We all love fridays
Chippy tea and a few pints
Then maybe kebabs
Haiku belong here
Syllables in each line are
Five, seven and five

My knees are hurting
I really should get them checked
But I can't be arsed

Girlfriend is again
Bemoaning the loss of her
Beloved chap stick

We all love fridays
Chippy tea and a few pints
Then maybe kebabs
ah Mister Gnarlie
complain not of your girlfriend's woe
soft lips kiss sweetly
This balm is special
Not tested on animals
Therefore hard to find

And bemoan she should
For without said linament
A soft kiss is hard
so it is not true
that tough guys like hard kisses
though animals do?

(a kiss on the hand
may be quite continental
but cats prefer fish)

See that is the true spirit of haiku right there :D
If nine out of ten
Cats prefer fish to a kiss
One still needs lip balm

And a cat needs that
Like the fish need bicycles
To escape his claws
the bicycle fish
likes a ride with no pedals
for he has no feet

but cats with lip balm
give mercy to hunted rats
for death comes softly
what hope have rodents
other than a strawberry
and vanilla death

I can only hope
that my own humble demise
will smell like ice cream
Some that I've posted on Martial Talk before:

Good Cat Haiku, #27
Sack full of kittens
wriggles above the lake-plop!
Summer's entertainment

Good Cat Haiku #5
Cat's eyes cross inward
when held by head around neck
just before ball peen hits

Good Cat Haiku, #11
Meat, onions peppers
in savory winter chile sauce
yummy cat stir-fry.

Good Cat Haiku, #1
Kitten hops as brick
bounces in dryer set high
Open beer, and laugh...

Good Cat Haiku, #24
Really I like cats
it's just that I can never
finish a whole one

Crazy Man Haiku, #1
Yeah, I know I'm sick
it's just that the U.S. says
I'm really okay......

And, just for Gnarlie:

Emo boy Haiku, #22
She's gone, taking the sun

sky cries purple tears of pain
Shut up, you damn wuss

An elder has come
An important lesson is
Not to make him mad
Fish, cats, rats - oh my!
Lip balm, stir fry, kitten death ...
What to discuss next?
It is seven o'clock
Why am I up so early
To teach Germans words
nobody spotted
my deliberate mistake
on post number two

and let me believe
that counting was my strong point!
I am deluded :(

I console myself:
if I am no math major
well, neither are y'alls :D
I work hard at letting go of my perfectionism, especially when judging others.

OCD makes one
unbelievably insane
when rhyming ensues
Is where I meditated
Standing at the door