
right now in China
six thousand men are eating
left over eggroll

eaten lentil soup
has a wonderful effect
keeping cow alive

a bitter rabbi
bitten by blue blooded bug
brushed off bug better
Fart haiku:

Wafting from afar.
I sniff and you are with me.
Hints of Easter egg.

I saw your eyes close
in a moment of passion
and my eyes wept. Tweeeeeeeeet.

Cold eyes stare towards
each other with longing-spring's
cadaver lovers

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Soft, loud, soft again.
Like cars racing, your cheeks flap
as the gas passes.

Sniper, you killed me
from afar. No regrets; no fear.
Silent but deadly.
Fast for days, to cleanse.
Healthy body; healthy mind.
Then poop for days, fast.

Haiku. Why do I like it?
Am I a bit sick?
For Steve

Eat too much muesli
World fall out of your bottom
Serve you right it will

For fun:

Five words of English
We spoke on the kerb today
I want to speak more

Sock you seem to live
In some special place unseen
Why not in sock drawer?

Nobody believes
That 'Tim und Struppi' are called
'Tin Tin and Snowy'

A mouse hose holy
Is silently snaked southwards
Death of dignity
Has been a long time
Since fart poetry graces

The Golden Dragon
Chortled at Fart verse by me.
Beautiful word, "Fart."
Bright blue flash and clap
thuinder of ten thousand suns
flash outward into....

writes disturbing poetry
sick and twisted, he