The routine you hinted at (different muscle groups each day in isolation) is leaning towards what bodybuilders do. They will typically hit one group a day (Monday is chest day, Tuesday legs, Wed Back, Thurs day Traps and shoulders) etc. They do a lot of isolation exercises (Bicep curls, triceps press downs, flys etc) or they do opposing muscle groups, or push-pull days etc.
This is great for hypertrophy (size increase) and symmetry and aesthetics etc, but it isn't particularly helpful for athletics.
For you, I would recommend focusing on compound, multi-joint lifts such as the SQUAT, DEAD LIFT, BENCH PRESS. I know some big, strong athletic dudes who do nothing but variations of those 3 lifts. I am big fan of Olympic lifts for power so I would add some Power cleans / hang cleans etc. I am also a fan of body weigh training (and weight vests) so I always do pull ups/chins, dips and pushups.
Lastly, depending on budget, check out a prowler or sled. Did wonders for my speed/power and bulked up my legs.
Lastly, its virtually impossible to put on much real muscle out letting up on the cardio, specifically any long road work. When I am trying to bulk up, I drop the long runs and use HIT/HIIT or the sled for that time period. (This depends some on genetics)
Lots of good info out there. I also like and
As Morgan said, the simplest and truest advice is "Eat big, lift big, sleep big."