Guns are for Wimps

Maybe someone should remind the MMA stud that even the legendary Gracies don't condemn the idea of using firearms...I think it was Royce who once said (in referrence to multiple attacker scenarios) "more than one, get a gun"

Or like they used to inscribe on revolvers:
Be not afraid of any man no matter what his size; when danger threatens, call on me, and I will equalize

nice, never heard that before...source for that?
Most forms of MA have a weapons system, it just seems natural, in these modern times, if possible, we should take advantage of any and all options. But, as martial artist, we know training is of the utmost importance. So, as diligently as we train with our bodies, we should ever more train with any given firearm. But as Bill M mentions, there is a very serious side to self defense that everyone needs to address in our minds. Firearms maim or kill quite readily, and, are we prepared for this responsibility. Self defense comes in different degrees, and not all situations will/or should, end in death. There are times when I carry a firearm and times when I decide not to, this is a personal choice. Just always keep in mind that if you decide to carry, that in the heat of battle, you may lose that weapon, and perhaps effectively arm your attacker. As I have mentioned, there are different degrees of self defense, from a simple verbal confrontation, to an all out rape or robbery. Good common sense, knowledge of local laws, and a good understanding of firearms handling, will go a long way in our endeavors to ensure our safety and the safety of our loved ones. (wimp, no, just a concerned citizen, with a desire to live life to it’s fullest, in peace and harmony).

KT, it's been around for a long time. I believe that at one time it was inscribed onto the grips of Colt revolvers.

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