A co-worker of mine recently Murdered his housemate after a Verbal argument. Everyone here seems to want to blame the gun and find it at fault.
However, It got me thinking about how much gun Violence is prefaced by some sort of Violent verbal confrontation, and I'm starting to think what we need is not Gun Control, but Freedom of Speech control.
You know... a 3 day wait to open your mouth to say something. A permit to speak, only after a background check to ensure you don't just spout inflammatory garbage designed to make others want to do harm...
I know I know, stupid and unrealistic. But I know the guy, and I think that if he was angry enough to shoot his housemate, he was angry enough to have used a hammer or a kitchen knife... Gun control wouldn't have mattered.
However, It got me thinking about how much gun Violence is prefaced by some sort of Violent verbal confrontation, and I'm starting to think what we need is not Gun Control, but Freedom of Speech control.
You know... a 3 day wait to open your mouth to say something. A permit to speak, only after a background check to ensure you don't just spout inflammatory garbage designed to make others want to do harm...
I know I know, stupid and unrealistic. But I know the guy, and I think that if he was angry enough to shoot his housemate, he was angry enough to have used a hammer or a kitchen knife... Gun control wouldn't have mattered.