1) challenges will get you banned
2) language, you seem to like making the MT sensors work for their money
3) you seem to have a rather large chip on your shoulder
4) the name calling is a bit much for me to be honest
I am not trying to be a pain, a troll or any of the other names you've thrown out since you've been here. I don't doubt you have trained, I do have my doubts about the number of people you claim as training with. This is not to say you never trained with them. In the last 50 years I have trained with all sorts of folks; Fumio Demura, Chen Zhanglei, Wang Rengang, William CC Chen, Yang Jwingming, Ip Ching, Dan Miller, Pan Qing Fu, Zhou Xuan Yun, to name a few, but I would never say they were my teacher, or that I was in that lineage. I could say I have trained with Yang Jwingming for 30 years, but he would not know me fro Adam. My first seminar with him was 30 years ago and I have gone to a few with him over the years......he is still not my teacher, I am not in the lineage, and he would not know me if he saw me.
Not saying what you have listed isn't true, but you have to admit, it does raise some red flags for us old guys, who have been around a long time and been on MT a long time and seen a lot of such things..... and there are more than a few of us here
Enjoy the training TTFN