Greetings everyone


Green Belt
Aug 5, 2024
Reaction score
Las Vegas Nevada
Hello everyone im Michael J. Hudson BLEED Utility Razor Combat System Instructor Number:
B/c-065-2024 Southwest Regional Director.

Im curious what are everyones thoughts on Utility Razors/Box Cutters for EDC for Edged Weapon Defense?
Hello everyone im Michael J. Hudson BLEED Utility Razor Combat System Instructor Number:
B/c-065-2024 Southwest Regional Director.

Im curious what are everyones thoughts on Utility Razors/Box Cutters for EDC for Edged Weapon Defense?

Welcome to Martial Talk, Michael.

I’m not sure what that question is asking. Are you talking about defense of any edged weapon, or using utility razor/Box Cutter as a defense against an edged weapon. Or something else?
Using the box cutter for EDC as your go to tool when **** hits the fan sideways i.e. being jumped all of a sudden or another person weilding a blade against you what are your thoughts on using it for that pourpose?
Im curious what are everyones thoughts on Utility Razors/Box Cutters for EDC for Edged Weapon Defense?
I can't think of a single place where knives are banned but box cutters are allowed. Either both are allowed or both are banned. And in that case, I'd need to understand why a box cutter would be chosen over a knife.
Disregarding the legality, a box knife just isn't as effective as a regular knife. Superficial slashes, which is all you're going to inflict, and far less lethal than a stab wound.
Disregarding the legality, a box knife just isn't as effective as a regular knife. Superficial slashes, which is all you're going to inflict, and far less lethal than a stab wound.
Not even remotely true in BLEED we target the face groin neck hands theres no superficial cuts deep slshes
And once more theres plenty of CCTV footage showing a throat/neck slash proving to be lethal
The reason why? You carry a knife people tense up about it for the most part its classified as a weapon a box cutter however IS A TOOL a 1 inch bladed tool your not going to be looked at with the same stigma carrying one
And you can be more on the righter side of self-defense law should it have to be used
The reason why? You carry a knife people tense up about it for the most part its classified as a weapon a box cutter however IS A TOOL a 1 inch bladed tool your not going to be looked at with the same stigma carrying one
Yeah, except I carry a folding knife with me everywhere in my front pocket, and you can easily see the clip. And probably the majority of men do this, at least from what I've seen. I've never had anyone "tense up" or give me any weird looks because of it.
You know its an insecure person who feels they have to insult people rather than disagree like an adult but ok you do you
Not even remotely true in BLEED we target the face groin neck hands theres no superficial cuts deep slshes
Completely true. A few stitches and they'll be sent home. Stab wounds are far more lethal. But what do I know? I've only spent the last 45 years in the ER...
Ok ill concede stabs wounds are more lethal however properly trained slashes will only take one and their done no i dont mean the ER
The reason why? You carry a knife people tense up about it for the most part its classified as a weapon a box cutter however IS A TOOL a 1 inch bladed tool your not going to be looked at with the same stigma carrying one

Remember 9/11? Box cutters.
Yes i remember however they were trying to attack (untrained might i add) in a massive group of people
Look all im saying is the box cutter trained in the proper dynamic is equally as lethal as a knife when used properly
Look all im saying is the box cutter trained in the proper dynamic is equally as lethal as a knife when used properly
If you want to say its better due to some legality purposes, I could understand that. But saying it is just as lethal as a knife is crazy. Take one trained person with a knife, and one equally trained person with a box cutter, one of them will be at a significant diaadvantage.
If you want to say its better due to some legality purposes, I could understand that. But saying it is just as lethal as a knife is crazy. Take one trained person with a knife, and one equally trained person with a box cutter, one of them will be at a significant
No not crazy a fact look up cctv footage of lethal slash attacks it proves my point