I have a number of friends who are MD's. I almost never address them as "Doctor." I also have a number of friends, associates, and "internal customers," who have Doctorates in the sciences. Frequently they are addressed as "Doctor" in email and such.So for those who see a difference between the honorifics for doctor or master; what do you think about the tradition in BJJ of referring to instructors as Professor?
Are all 3 perhaps just a different way of saying a similar thing?
If I run into my doctor on the street, I don't say hey 'Phil'. He'd be Doctor 'Smith'. Seems like the Professor honorific is used the same way... so what is so different about the word master? (besides, as Steve said, the over prevalence of abusive relationships that have occurred).
If all 3 are meant to convey an increadibly high level of skill/education in a given field of expertise, are they not more similar than different?
Is the difference mostly just the baggage that comes with the English usage of the word master?
Peace favor your sword,