Grammar and spelling tips

PIG PILE?!?!?!

Good thing I brought my boots, man .... *takes another loooooong toke *


*runs and jumps flying into Steve *
Ok, Im getting the idea of what this Pig Pile is all about!!

***takes a flying leap on to Georgia and Steve....signalling Feisty and get on top*** hehe

shesulsa said:
PIG PILE?!?!?!

Good thing I brought my boots, man .... *takes another loooooong toke *


*runs and jumps flying into Steve *
And what did HHJH do to cause all this??? Was is truly a grammar and spelling error? Are you guys going to be the grammar cops? No, don't turn the dogpile on me. I have fixed my a lot problem, I think, in alot of cases.;)

I wish we had this as a source thread for people trying to fix theirs though. They could ask their grammar question and Xequat could fix it, yeah thats the plan.:D (before this thread gets thrown in the Locker Room) TW
*sits up, peers at TW, clears throat and says somewhat clearly ... *

Well, Xequat, though he has my ultimate respect and operates with dignity, it is my respectful opinion that, since in one post here he made a grammatical error, we should engage the STOOLMAN to proceed over grammar and spelling faux pas. Perhaps he could form a grammar committee ... or something, cuz he's not a bogus dude ... and we don't want to be bogus, either .

* glances over at Steve, Sarah and Feisty, glances at TW, then back and winks at them *

a grammar committee??? eeegads! I suppose now I'm gonna get thrashed for my lack of capital letters. I have lazy pinky finger I tell, ya! Lazy! I can't be held responsible for its foibles.

Does Steve even know he's being attacked?
*drags chair over next to the pile, climbs to standing on the chair, jumps up and clumsily lands THUD on the wriggling pile*

Oh. no. We're in the Locker Room now. Oh well. That's what happens when I can only get on here once or twice a day I guess.

shesulsa said:
Well, Xequat, though he has my ultimate respect and operates with dignity, it is my respectful opinion that, since in one post here he made a grammatical error, we should engage the STOOLMAN to proceed over grammar and spelling faux pas. Perhaps he could form a grammar committee ... or something, cuz he's not a bogus dude ... and we don't want to be bogus, either .QUOTE]

Yeah, I've made mistakes before and I'll make some more, I'm sure. We can definitely have discussions about grammar questions on here, though. If someone has a question and someone who isn't me has the answer, then by all means, post it. Although I might sometimes claim to know everything, I have to admit I really don't. I'm not on MT as much as I'd like to be, so it might take time for me to answer, but I've noticed some very well-written posts in which the poster was obviously trying to write well, but had made some error. I was hoping for exactly what TW wrote, which would be having this as a source thread. Maybe I'll start another one with an introduction and we can have fun on this one.
Aw, man ... now I'm coming down.

Seriously, Xequat - we're just all messing around. I think it's a great idea to have an open thread like this for questions or grammatical discussion - I don't wish to be the Grammar Nazi (as Technopunk eluded to), but open discussion and questions would be cool. Not as cool as Steve's doobies, but ... cool.

NoDoze, anyone?
aaww, Tony we all love ya, we were just playing!!

** Grabs Tony and throws him on the pile, then takes a flying (but ever so graceful) leap on top!! **

I think maybe Steve has passed out from having 4 woman wriggling round on top of him...:rolleyes:

So is Pig Pile one word or two??? hehe
I like to call myself part of the Grammar Cow herd. Well, I don't *like* it per se, but that is the label.

Anyone else with grammar irks?

There, their, and they're get moved around an awful lot, as well. That's one of my peeves.
HAHA.....I am really bad with your and you're.....just lazy really!

Feisty Mouse said:
I like to call myself part of the Grammar Cow herd. Well, I don't *like* it per se, but that is the label.

Anyone else with grammar irks?

There, their, and they're get moved around an awful lot, as well. That's one of my peeves.
Hey, who grabbed my butt in the pig pile?
**tickles Sarah for getting me**

Sorry, I didn't know I seemed so uptight.

Wow, I guess we can learn AND have fun at the same time. Who knew?

What the...? Is that a mouse in the pile? Oh, whew, it's just Feisty. Yeah, I kind of share that peeve with you. Not so much on the discussion forum, but when I get emails at work from upper management and they don't know the language, that sort of annoys me. The "literally" thing is what drives me nuts.

Here, have another. "I could care less." That should be "I couldn't care less." If you COULD care less, then that means that you actually still care some. I'm not sure how the "n't" got dropped, because "I could care less" doesn't really say anything at all.


ooooo, and "stuff" coming over from the other thread, how...umm... interesting :D (Insedia I am not condoning that stuff... your mother has never done those kinds of things)

*Nalia jumps from Raedyn's chair with a bag full of munchies and swan dives into the pile...


Anyone hungry?
YAY Munchies!!! thinking we need more men in this pile!!

**Looks up and signals Joe to jump in!!**

ooppss...sorry for the bad grammar...hehe
shesulsa said:
...we should engage the STOOLMAN to proceed over grammar and spelling faux pas. Perhaps he could form a grammar committee ... or something, cuz he's not a bogus dude ... and we don't want to be bogus, either .
In all honesty, I haven't the education to justify this great honour. Alas, I am simply a high school graduate, and therefore woefully under qualified to accept this prestigious appointment. I do appreciate your endorsement, and wholeheartedly agree that we do not want to be bogus, because bogus is lame, and lame sucks.
Sarah said: thinking we need more men in this pile!!
Nah, I love it just the way it is. Unless someone wants to add a few buckets of mud or something slippery. That could be fun. Has anyone seen my hat? It fell off in the pile.

When did people start thinking that the word "myself" is more polite than the word "me?" I see that a lot, too. I hear people saying things like "please talk to myself or Bob about whatever," when it should be "Bob or me." For some reasons, people think that it should always be "Sarah and I" or myself and Feisty Mouse." For example, Sarah and I jumped on the pile, but she got off, leaving Feisty Mouse and me on the floor. Then I laughed myself silly when Joe tried to jump on and Sarah tripped him so he missed the pile. That's how you use those words. I haven't really seen it here, but I hear it a lot. A simple rule is to break the sentence down into two parts. If you want someone to give something to you or someone else, then say "please give it to Joe or me" because "please give it Joe" and "please give it to me" are both proper clauses or sentences; therefore, you can combine them by using the same pronous into "please give to Joe or me," always listing yourself last. But people start sentences with "myself and Sarah" and you shouldn't do that if you care about pronouns.