Hey everyone,
I was just perusing the Gracie Academy website, and found this:
The worldwide demand for Helio Gracie’s art spurred many sport jiu-jitsu practitioners to leave Brazil in order to capitalize on the increased demand for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instruction. Due to legal restrictions on the use of the trademarked name “Gracie Jiu-Jitsu,” these instructors began using the name “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” as an alternative.
The influx of sport jiu-jitsu instructors, many of whom were members of the very large extended Gracie family, led to the establishment of numerous jiu-jitsu schools all across the United States. Nearly all of these schools claimed to teach the same jiu-jitsu that was created by Grand Master Helio Gracie and used by Royce in the UFC when in fact they were teaching a version of the art that was modified specifically for sport competition. Students hoping to acquire the realistic self-defense skills they saw in the UFC flocked to these schools and often trained for several years before they came to the disappointing realization that what they were learning had very limited street applicability.
Anybody heard of this apparent rift between the Gracie Academy and other BJJ organizations? It seems they are saying that even those that bear the name Gracie are not necessarily to be included with "pure Gracie Jiu Jitsu". Does anyone know if Gracie Barra would be one of those organizations that they claim focuses on sport instead of street effectiveness? Is that why we don't train striking at Gracie Barra? Anyone???