Gracie Barra

What kind of strikes are you looking for? BJJ has never been much in the way of strikes. To be honest Japanese Jiu Jutsu has strikes but it's not as emphasized. I don't know of any rifts between organizations. I really doubt Rickson Gracie would have come to GB America last week to watch Master Carlos get his red/black if there was bad blood. Carlos Sr and Helio used their BJJ in the old days to win fights. Yeah, I'm sure people did try to make some money back in the day off of the UFC tie in, but I don't think too many are around with all the quality instruction we have now. Are you not happy at GB Escondido? Or were you orginally looking for more self defense and less sport? Have you been to The Dojo of The Four Winds? If I can assist better I will.
Hey everyone,

I was just perusing the Gracie Academy website, and found this:

The worldwide demand for Helio Gracie’s art spurred many sport jiu-jitsu practitioners to leave Brazil in order to capitalize on the increased demand for Gracie Jiu-Jitsu instruction. Due to legal restrictions on the use of the trademarked name “Gracie Jiu-Jitsu,” these instructors began using the name “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” as an alternative.
The influx of sport jiu-jitsu instructors, many of whom were members of the very large extended Gracie family, led to the establishment of numerous jiu-jitsu schools all across the United States. Nearly all of these schools claimed to teach the same jiu-jitsu that was created by Grand Master Helio Gracie and used by Royce in the UFC when in fact they were teaching a version of the art that was modified specifically for sport competition. Students hoping to acquire the realistic self-defense skills they saw in the UFC flocked to these schools and often trained for several years before they came to the disappointing realization that what they were learning had very limited street applicability.

Anybody heard of this apparent rift between the Gracie Academy and other BJJ organizations? It seems they are saying that even those that bear the name Gracie are not necessarily to be included with "pure Gracie Jiu Jitsu". Does anyone know if Gracie Barra would be one of those organizations that they claim focuses on sport instead of street effectiveness? Is that why we don't train striking at Gracie Barra? Anyone???
There is indeed a rift, but what you posted is pure non-sense that was put out by Rorion Gracie as a marketing tool. I've trained in both Gracie JJ and Brazillian JJ now with Gracie Barra. There are no differences in the techniques. How would it make sense that Gracie Barra, the biggest BJJ organization, which is run by the son of Carlos Gracie could not be teaching real jiujitsu. The Gracie Academy really has nothing to show for the past 20 years outside of their family. Also if you notice the Gracie Academy guys do not generally compete in any tourneys besides their own. In short it is mainly marketing that you shouldn't worry about.
What kind of strikes are you looking for? BJJ has never been much in the way of strikes. To be honest Japanese Jiu Jutsu has strikes but it's not as emphasized. I don't know of any rifts between organizations. I really doubt Rickson Gracie would have come to GB America last week to watch Master Carlos get his red/black if there was bad blood. Carlos Sr and Helio used their BJJ in the old days to win fights. Yeah, I'm sure people did try to make some money back in the day off of the UFC tie in, but I don't think too many are around with all the quality instruction we have now. Are you not happy at GB Escondido? Or were you orginally looking for more self defense and less sport? Have you been to The Dojo of The Four Winds? If I can assist better I will.

Striking combined in the grappling techniques. In other words, in mma or in street fights the first thing most people do after achieving a mount is to punch the person that is on the bottom. In a bjj tournament it is to go for an armbar/americana/choke, because striking is not allowed. I always figured that the striking part of bjj didn't need to be trained really because it's kind of instinctive to recognize when you have an opportunity to hit your opponent on the ground. But since the Gracie academy puts out this stuff it just made me wonder what it is that I am getting.

I thought about that belt promotion too because my instructor was there and he told me Rickson went, you're right it doesn't really make sense that he would go there if there were problems between the two orgs., guess I am just kinda jumpy...

No, I am not unhappy at GB Escondido, let me stress that, I am very happy there. It's just that the Gracie Academy website seemed to be putting distance between "street effective" bjj and other bjj organizations, it made me think twice about what I am training for. I want to train for SD primarily, and tournaments secondly. So I just want to be sure that I am getting the best of both worlds.

I haven't had a chance to check out the four winds, really I don't have time or money to train in anything else right now, so honestly I didn't want to waste anyone's time...I will be looking into it though in the next couple of years.

Thanks dude...
There is indeed a rift, but what you posted is pure non-sense that was put out by Rorion Gracie as a marketing tool. I've trained in both Gracie JJ and Brazillian JJ now with Gracie Barra. There are no differences in the techniques. How would it make sense that Gracie Barra, the biggest BJJ organization, which is run by the son of Carlos Gracie could not be teaching real jiujitsu. The Gracie Academy really has nothing to show for the past 20 years outside of their family. Also if you notice the Gracie Academy guys do not generally compete in any tourneys besides their own. In short it is mainly marketing that you shouldn't worry about.


I appreciate the info from someone who has trained with both orgs. puts my mind at ease...there is just so much of this marketing misinformation and fake martial artists out there that ride others' coat tails, that I felt I should follow up at least.

As for the rift, after some things I have heard since I posted this I don't think there are really any problems between Gracie Academy and Gracie Barra specifically...
Had a call that I placed to the Gracie academy returned this afternoon, and he did try to tell me that Gracie Barra was more focused on sport applications, but his tone was like a salesman. He really sounded like his only mission was to get people training at Gracie Academy instead of other schools.

Then he started describing some of the practices of "sport focused" BJJ schools, and I realized that at Gracie Barra we don't do any of them. He said the training was mostly focused on points and holding an opponent immobilized for a longer period of time.

Well I don't know about you guys but I personally have never had a technique taught to me for points, everything I have been taught has been with the focus of finishing a fight as quickly as possible.

Sounds like it is a big marketing ploy to me...
Here let me put it this way, from my point of view.

At the Dojo of The Four Winds we train to end a threat. Through many different applications. Both armed and unarmed. Check out youtube for some of James' vids through surefire and the dojo.

I train at Gracie Barra because I want a better ground game and because I realize it works for me. I have done several martial arts and these two mesh well for me. I like the classes, fellow students and the instructors. I prefer the BJJ side of MMA and I want to learn more. One day I'll bring the striking into it and then I'll be a more complete person.

Just my 0.02's
Gracie Barra Chicago here.

my instructor however is neither a Gracie, nor Brazilian....

although we did all have the honor of having Carlos Gracie Jr come in for a seminar last year. it was quite amazing, and the guy is a sage.

(i just noticed too that i've resurrected a really old thread....)
gracie barra is one of , if not , the best schools to train with. they are very picky about who gets to open a school and teach there, even carlos gracie jr wil himself come to the schools and make sure they are up to par with the name.
the lineage comes from the other brother in the family,not from helio, so gracie barra is not rickson gracies, or royce or them, its carlos there is some difference, but not much.
Periera in san diego ive trained with also, and fietosa

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