got rid of olimpic tkd


Senior Master
After realize I am not a competitor and will never compete in kyorugi yesterday I take the desicion of get rid of olimpic tae kwon do, simple, is not my thing. My thing is MA oriented TKD where I take TKD as MA self defense oriented thing.

So I don't care about the electronic hogu, is not my thing, I don't care about the stupid rules of olimpic TKD, I don't care about TKD as a sport.

I will train Clasic TKD and if allowed I will teach Calsic TKD in my sambunim's dojang.

Last night I was a little tired, I need a rest cause I train hard monday,tuesday,wendsday (mixing Kenpo and TKD) and my leags and mostly my feet hurt me a lot, so I tough well I'm gona rest tonight and tomorrow will go Kenpo, but I went to dojang and thankfully sambomim asked me to do the introductory class to a new kid and was refreshing.

I took things easy we did a good warm upand then I proced to show the basics to the new kid, so the class was not so hard but I felt happy cause I teach a young man.

My roots are Ji Do Kwan so I focus on techs the old fashion way, paying atention to the details.

Manny we all have paths we need to take, enjoy yours and have fun.
My roots are Ji Do Kwan so I focus on techs the old fashion way, paying atention to the details.


I am all for a traditional approach to MA training. Your root in Ji Do Kwan, however, make for an interesting angle on things. The Ji Do Kwan played a major role in developing the sparring style used in WTF events, including the Olympics. Not that the two things can't co-exist (actual MA training and sport training), but it would seem that the sporting approach is part of your Kwan's legacy.



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