Senior Master
After realize I am not a competitor and will never compete in kyorugi yesterday I take the desicion of get rid of olimpic tae kwon do, simple, is not my thing. My thing is MA oriented TKD where I take TKD as MA self defense oriented thing.
So I don't care about the electronic hogu, is not my thing, I don't care about the stupid rules of olimpic TKD, I don't care about TKD as a sport.
I will train Clasic TKD and if allowed I will teach Calsic TKD in my sambunim's dojang.
Last night I was a little tired, I need a rest cause I train hard monday,tuesday,wendsday (mixing Kenpo and TKD) and my leags and mostly my feet hurt me a lot, so I tough well I'm gona rest tonight and tomorrow will go Kenpo, but I went to dojang and thankfully sambomim asked me to do the introductory class to a new kid and was refreshing.
I took things easy we did a good warm upand then I proced to show the basics to the new kid, so the class was not so hard but I felt happy cause I teach a young man.
My roots are Ji Do Kwan so I focus on techs the old fashion way, paying atention to the details.
So I don't care about the electronic hogu, is not my thing, I don't care about the stupid rules of olimpic TKD, I don't care about TKD as a sport.
I will train Clasic TKD and if allowed I will teach Calsic TKD in my sambunim's dojang.
Last night I was a little tired, I need a rest cause I train hard monday,tuesday,wendsday (mixing Kenpo and TKD) and my leags and mostly my feet hurt me a lot, so I tough well I'm gona rest tonight and tomorrow will go Kenpo, but I went to dojang and thankfully sambomim asked me to do the introductory class to a new kid and was refreshing.
I took things easy we did a good warm upand then I proced to show the basics to the new kid, so the class was not so hard but I felt happy cause I teach a young man.
My roots are Ji Do Kwan so I focus on techs the old fashion way, paying atention to the details.